Screw you, I'm still waiting to get recommended in the first place. I'm Satan for father's sakes!
Screw you, I'm still waiting to get recommended in the first place. I'm Satan for father's sakes!
This. That is all.
BEST post of the day. Read it entirely in Morgan Freeman's voice :P
You want a writing challenge Jesus, re-do Patton Oswalts Star Wars speech to be about staffers from Kotaku and Io9 (past and present) and Marvel characters.
Me too's a sad day for the deadpan snarker :c
Ellie will of course be played and mocapped by Morgan Freeman.
Again Jesus. You would be screwed again. And banhammer..... I'm just teasing you Jesus. I sure you won't get banhammered again.
I could see the "I like my women" joke going a different direction when discussing used games. Maybe someone doesn't buy used games, so they would say "I like my women like I like my games: unused and still in the plastic wrap."
It should star Mike Fahey.
Why does Naughty Dog need to do a sequel? To the Last of Us or Uncharted?
People point at sales, but they created an original IP that's selling at a ridiculous rate currently. That there is proof they don't need to churn out sequels in order to sell. They should be given free reign to do whatever they like and not be…
I love you.
I spit out laughing when I read that quote that Stephen mentioned.
I thought it was hilarious and so left field, though not something I'd write on this site mostly because I realize many people on this site have a different more conservative sense of humor I guess :P
It would be ironic of the comments that meant no ill will were the most hurtful while the comments that were actually spiteful went by without phase, all because of the words chosen.
Yeah this was so out of the blue. Change is one thing. Most can handle some change over time.
Of course, but seeing how the fans are the one that put money in their pocket and made the series what it is through suggestions and donating, the fans deserved more then what they got. There was no respect for the people that brought them to the dance.
Just because a show is "free" doesn't mean its free from criticism. Why do people seem to think this? Its a flawed argument at best. I know what you are going to say next "I haven't seen you do anything better" well Roger Ebert never made a movie so I guess that makes him the worst critic of all time, and since no one…
That's probably the point where people that aren't on a tears&rage screaming fit anymore are pulling their grief from. Only hours after the out of the blue announcement that Jon is leaving GG come the next announcements that instantly replace Jon with "that guy" and that "that guy" and "another guy" will be doing…
I agree completely with everyone that says it happened too fast. An introduction video for Dan would have softened the blow. I've heard a number of rumours regarding Jon's departure and the only reason I think we don't know the whole story is because of how sudden this all was; it didn't feel planned at all.