
Because Ebola kills it’s victims too quickly and the symptoms occur early, picture another disease with a long incubation and infectious period before it started killing people, by the time we knew it could have spread right across the world, apparently healthy people could be carriers.

Not in the world of infinite reruns.

Um, no, you also need an iphone.

Hayden Christenson is a Jedi master at keeping a straight, monotoned face all the time.

Not where I saw it, it was Edge of Tomorrow.

Guess Hippos don’t mind if someone pees or poops in the pool then.

What Pluto Pops means to many other people.

It’s probably easier to explain why Charon after colliding with Pluto and becoming its moon, would now look different. I like this.

Well this will at long last make up for those faked moon landings!

‘So long, and thanks for all the fish’ takes on a whole new meaning.

Technically, isn’t this still desert but a different color?

Whereas air pollution in the USA kills 200,000 people a year. If you’re extra lucky the pollution will get you first.

As strangeness decends like nightfall...

Better romance certainly, sex no, it really wouldn’t have been improved by that at all.

You have reawakened my desire for a sonic screwdriver....

He’s even meaner than I thought he was!

We’re working up towards ANTS! Right?

But not for early worms.

Context is everything, people have a pretty good idea when something is just or unjust, corporations should have too, the global financial crisis was a direct result of people exploiting others in the name of capitalism and it didn’t work for the common good, we need to care about each other as well as caring about