I plan on tricking him into giving it to us.
I plan on tricking him into giving it to us.
Considering people like this to be “irredeemable” and “deplorables” is not a presidential attitude. She has to lead the entire country — not just the parts she likes or respects. She should focus on the beliefs and attitudes that are deplorable, not the people, and try more to understand where this negativity is…
Actually, even with all the rhetoric coming from the nativist right, the fact that we allow undocumented immigrants to work and live here makes our immigration system, with all its flaws, worlds better than that of Japan, Mexico, France, England, and a hundred other countries.
Lately I’ve been really feeling this conflict surrounding the Brock Turner case (and the other ones like it). Because on one hand, I’m 100% against rape. On the other, I’m not the wrath and punishment sort.
I've tried the pins without success but I like the idea of pins plus hairspray. Will try.
Ms. Clinton suffers from a congenital birth defect. As someone who was also born with this, which is so often stigmatized and swept under the rug, I think it’s time people start talking about it to draw back the curtain and draw attention to it. Let’s talk about it, people! It’s not disgusting! It’s not shameful! It…
After some quality time in various photo archives, I’d like to make an observation about the history of the Olympic…
I’ve taken to just eating what ever bugs are within arms reach and fistfuls of my own hair.
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
I love that we now live in a time where hetero men can be objectified and lusted after like they did women for eons. Channing is ground zero in this...he loves getting naked in his movies for us. He’s sort of a hero, if you think about it.
(no one else comment just star andsmokeit’s comment)
I’ve wondered the same thing too, and now we know. Yes. Yes they do.
Will she be charged as an accessory?
Under the Trump dictatorship the only exercise taught in American schools will be mental gymnastics.
Literally the only good thing about Cruz’s candidacy has been this guy.
All of you are correct
How long is this con? Because if they take it all the way and have a son and name him Robert I’m going to send a christening gift.