He just released his tax plan and I hear it’s good, but I can’t make heads of tails of it:
He just released his tax plan and I hear it’s good, but I can’t make heads of tails of it:
Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.
Yeah unless I see a parent straight up slap a kid or say something abhorrent I am usually just like "That poor mom/dad." Little kids can be a tad unreasonable.
2 thoughts:
He CANNOT let go of the fact he lost Iowa. When Hillary (or Bernie, I honestly don’t care anymore) cleans his clock, he is going to be like a 4 year old when someone turns off Dora the Explorer and says it’s bath time.
A former writer for Jez had written this article sharing a satirical video about some Aussies calling an american football game. She didn’t write a lot, but what she did write seemed like she didn’t know it was a joke. I was like “ummm... this is satire” and she replied to me and said something like “No shit! Fuck…
Yup. I appear to be not grey on The Slot, Lifehacker, and many others, but no dice in Jezebel.
I’m just repeating to myself, over and over, “Stephen Fry is only 58, Stephen Fry is only 58.” Still, I’d like him to stay inside and under cover for at least a week.
Seditious gang? If they were black we’d probably call them a gang without the weapons and screw-ball interpretation of the constitution, simply for all dressing alike.
I was thinking the same thing, just when you think the Gawker Media/Deadspin Xmas party can’t get any crazier, they take it up a notch…
Truly, a boner I can care about.
We are very lucky! My grandma wasn’t too bad to my mom and it was mostly her dad saying stuff - not to speak ill of the dead because they were great people but ALL people have flaws but I don’t think her parents should have had kids like I just don’t think they were necessarily cut out for having children which you…
My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.
Dad when I was 15: “You could stand to lose a few...” I was around 135 then...and I’m 5’7”.
So my hot-take on this: this is the beginning of the end for Trump as a GOP nominee, he continues to slip in the polls, Carson over takes him. Whether Carson ultimately get the nomination is besides the point, the point is, Trump gets unseated in this race. HOWEVER, rather than give up, in true Trump fashion, he…
Nope. Salty cat food casserole. Gross.
I had a friend who REALLY loved wasabi. Whenever we went for sushi, they’d keep giving him more as he could cheerfully eat it straight.
This lovely man came in every day, I burned his bread, and he left a $5.00 tip on a $4.00 meal. One time, he heard me (quietly, I swear) talking to another waitress about how I couldn’t afford to have my other cat spayed yet, and when he left, I found $100.00 under the cup for my cat.