
Donald Trump Jr looks like the villain in a movie where the hero is a Golden Retriever 

First off, work is work, and the people who do an honest job should be treated with dignity and respect, on the clock and off.

Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. doesn’t have any regrets about his highly criticized eulogy delivered at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday

He was eulogizing a child-mother. Whose own pastor-father raped a peer of hers. And this man wanted to come for everyone but the truth?

The black church is way overdue for its own metoo and timesup movements and those two idiot preachers showed exactly why.—-AMEN and AMEN! I wonder how many women he has privately “ministered” to/ “prayed” with. Funny, people like him always look past their own dirt to tell you about yours.

He was garbage and aligned with the dancing coons who supported 45- Clark, Carson, Steve Harvey, Chappell, and those black preachers who keep popping up and those who watch Kelly sit on her feet on that Oval Office picture.

Rapist Outs Self At Public Gathering For Free Press

I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

On another site someone was ranting about Cardi having a glass of wine at her baby shower and how she needs to educate herself.

I couldn’t help but read the article through the prism of net neutrality repeal. I wonder if any corrupt cops will be face justice in the future because of the curtailing of information amongst the public?

11 cops and 5 of them proven to be terrible and unfit. Can’t wait until the dismissal rate for this department reaches 100%.

If anyone wants to support an organization doing that Good Work in Columbus, here’s a link to the People’s Justice Project:

It seems worth noting that Rosen was part of a two cop, plain clothes unit (working under the fucked up, dangerous “summer safety initiative” that will supposedly end and presumably be replaced with something that accomplishes similar but with a different name) that killed Henry Green in 2016. Rosen fired the most

Looks like the coffee boy might have all the secrets, now here’s to hoping he spills the beans.

Yep. Poor little dude didn’t even have a safe space in his own home. :(

He stabbed himself in the chest?

With the greatest of respect, as a person who suffers from mental illness myself, please don’t lump racists in with us. Racism may correlate with certain psychological conditions, but it’s important to remember that psychological conditions don’t cause racism. Racism is a value judgment that people bring to the world,

Requisite comment about how Ohio fought on the side of the Union to defeat Lee. But I guess racial resentment trumps history.

I guess mother was wrong, sometimes the trash DO take itself out.