Yeah, that sums him up pretty well.
Yeah, that sums him up pretty well.
I am currently 24 years old. Just yesterday, i went with my husband of two years to buy a new bedroom set with my furniture store line of credit, which may be the most adult thing I’ve ever done in my life, but I am still astonished that anyone would extend me any kind of line of credit, or even let me operate a…
I don’t think anyone ever truly FEELS like an adult. As the old saying goes, we’re all just faking it until we die (or something like that).
I just turned 27 (two days ago :( ) and I certainly do not feel like an adult *sigh*
I’d forgotten that he was the “Taylor Swift Tickets” guy. He’s maybe third or fourth best of the Republicans running, and he’s still a monumental ass.
Well, this makes me wonder. When *does* one become an adult? Not legally, more like psychologically/spiritually. I’m 35 now, and I haven’t had an easy life, but I don’t think I’ve felt like an adult until really recently. And not all the time. This is the secret of life, right? You always feel like a teenager. I'm…
They’re all pretty, but I think maybe more suited for table arrangements than bouquets. Although, I could totally imagine a bouquet that incorporates some herbs in place of generic greenery. Rosemary would hold up really well and smell awesome, as would lavender, bay, and some varieties of thyme. But unless it were…
It’s different. *shrug* Why not? These look really pretty.
Anyone who follows Jimmy Fallon on Instagram has noticed that the late night host seems to have recently suffered…
Except God would not punish Job Creators.
we should let amateurs handle EVERYTHING in this country, imo
i believe what he is saying is that god sent the iceburg to punish man for transitioning from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy
A woman named Angela Kipp
fuck all this
On Friday, the Michigan judge who ordered three children to juvenile detention for refusing to see their father…
I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.