It’s a well recognized point that one of the best—if not the best—part of Orange Is the New Black is the slow reveal…
There are a lot of terrible managers.
If I were Denise I would repost that shit with only “Nothing further, Your Honor,” as commentary.
In certain cases, an insult from someone is more valuable than a compliment.
Thanks, DM me and I’ll give you my address so you can forward the extra $1,000 for each way every time I fly.
So someone faces a different set of issues than you and your response is to say “oh boo hoo”? How are their problems somehow less valid than yours?
I have never personally done anything crazy after a breakup, but believe me, if I wanted to, I learned from the master....aka my mother. A veteran of more than a few divorces, MamaBall knows how to handle things. With Husband #3, who she caught cheating on her with multiple women after she taped our phone (whole other…
So imagine my surprise when I logged onto Deadspin last night and found that serial child abuser Drew Magary was…
this is one I actually used. I was five years old, playing with my cousins at my Babcia's house. She was making dinner and was a terrible cook. When she called us in for dinner, I told her I couldn't eat because I was sick. She asked what was wrong, and I told her it was prostate cancer.
Ted Cruz is running for President of the United States, which unfortunately means we're all going to be seeing a lot…
"The eggs are a-a-a metaphooooor-hor-hor-horrrrr. For my heeaaart."
I'm being zero percent facetious -
This week, a Swedish court ruled to acquit a 27-year-old man of raping a 13-year-old girl because her body was too…
Who's the real idiot at E?
On the whole though, they don't. Real world findings are decidedly mixed and, in general, studies show little to no change in calorie consumption. It also accomplishes nothing if you don't couple it with education on calorie consumption because many Americans have no understanding of what those values actually mean…
After an emotionally—and, rarely, physically—abusive relationship in a foreign country of four long years, my foreign partner convinced me to lie about a family illness to take an unpaid leave of absence from a job I was just about to get promoted at and go home to visit my family for the first time in two years (I…
Going up, my parents were were divorced and never communicated directly. I got bounced back and forth between them a lot. Always based on what my mom needed. Fuck my social life or grades or stability. If being a parent started to get too hard, she'd ship me off to live with my grandmother or father. She'd get lonely,…
Last night, Anthony Cumia, host of SirusXM's The Opie & Show, went on an angry, bitter, violent, racist rant on…