
It’s a shame that Star Wars continues to be a “story” and not a “setting”. I’m personally just tired of every single thing coming out having to tie back to the Skywalker story, it really ruins the sense of building a universe if everything all has to tie back to this one story for cheap nostalgia gains.

Enjoy that streaming show but concerned it might disappear? Build your own back-ups.

get the version you can mod

gosh darn, the next thing you’re going to tell me that doctors and nurses make crude jokes about people dying in horrible ways and teachers make insensitive jokes about students being stupid and engineers make insensitive jokes about people falling from collapsing bridges

Everyone who draws has literally done this for various mundane reasons. Who cares? Why do people care like this? Is David going to be okay?

A certificate of authenticity

Fuck. My rogue is going to have to pants every guard in the city again, isn’t he?

Nah, he’s playing it on his PC with an RTX 3090 wondering where the fuck DLSS is

You really have to ignore sales figures to make statements about what “nobody” wants.

I got 8 3-month XLG codes for about $65. That extended my GPU subscription from November 8, 2023 to December 23, 2024; that’s 411 days, or about 13.5 months from 24 months of XLG.

I just want all the backlog up on Game Pass ASAP.

No thank you.

For real, ubi games have good open world (yeah, I said it) and they have good gameplay (yeah, I said that too). But they do not have gameplay good enough to sustain interest through worlds this big. Valhalla was the absolute tipping point for me. It eventually got to be too much, like playing an MMO.


It didnt for minecraft in fact they released new versions of the game for newer consoles and two new titles in the franchise on playstation 4/5. They released Ori on switch along with the bards take remaster. Microsoft is a business and they look at the potential profits available and prioritize the most value for

^ This is the sole reason I'm okay with the merger. Activision has become too risk-averse. By them not being run by Kotick and Co anymore, it gives me hope that dormant IP will be revived, instead of the next CoD: Modern Cold Warfare Ops.

... no, actually, nothing about the FTC’s case was ‘outcome should be obvious.’

The FTC has turned a blind eye to much larger videogame companies (Tencent, for instance) and ignored all the times Sony has fielded all manner of anticompetitive practices and nobody’s said boo.

Companies buy companies, and Sony’s only

Maybe if MS had the market power as Sony has in console gaming in most regions. Like PS having 80% vs Xbox 20% in the EU of what Sony itself defined as the market PS competes in (high-end consoles, and regulators agreed) or 70% in the UK or 98% in Japan (even in the US where Xbox is competitive PS has 50% more market

...So a link that says vertical mergers can sometimes hurt consumers or workers? No one said they can’t. They just usually don’t. Again, it’s been FORTY years since one has been blocked. And you can go look at the anti trust laws in the small nordic countries with 8 people in them that you worship as well, they also

when it negatively affects competition which is insanely rare. There hasn’t been a serious challenge to a vertical merger in 4 decades. And that’s not an ‘AmErIcA bAd’ thing, that’s in almost every country.

Not saying they don’t deserve scrutiny and review.. but we can’t just make up shit as we go. Or we can, you

Jesus christ you are stupid.

Meanwhile, the EU let it through, despite also going against Apple multiple times.