Hey Goddess, this is farewell. Jezebel has canceled me - not merely into “the grays”, but actually disappeared (evidently for criticizing an offensive post yesterday).
Hey Goddess, this is farewell. Jezebel has canceled me - not merely into “the grays”, but actually disappeared (evidently for criticizing an offensive post yesterday).
Dejoy has agreed to stop further erosion of the postal service - but those 600 sorting machines that were disappeared in the past 6 weeks? No commitment to return them (some have been destroyed already). There’s a crime in tampering with even a single piece of mail; tampering with 31,000 pieces of mail per hour times…
About half an hour after the performance shown at the end of the DNC came this pretty terrific discussion between Brian Williams (whose description of the look of the video matches yours: “was it like being alone in a studio performing the recording of a Broadway cast album, but alone with a green screen?”) and Billy…
Kids and vacation injuries; even royals deal with it.
Take it and you can thank him in person.
Perhaps Joe and Jill were dating before her divorce. But it’s an odd choice of “hit piece” for the NYPost; after all everyone in NY knows how Tiffany Trump happened.
Does this bus stop at...
It probably helps that 90% of what he says is unintelligible, even though 95% of what she says is unendurable
Is it just me or does anyone else find it anachronistic and downright archaic - in 2020 - that The Root’s editorial manual of style still refers to 'Mrs. Obama'? It’s not like anyone on Earth doesn’t know how she acquired her last name.
It’s all the same family, of course, but check the spelling. Felipe VI, as sitting King of Spain is the highest ranking extant monarch of the bunch (there are lesser cousins and various dubious relatives holding real and vestigial duchies, principalities, and such) but the French spell it Bourbon and the Spanish spell…
Indeed. Which also explains why Letizia has the greatest collection of super high heels since Imelda Marcos!
I’ve been around the kinjasphere for well over a decade and I DON’T WANT IT TO DIE. I want them to clean up their act and turn things around. My comment above is a suicide intervention!
Ashley: I knew nothing of this, so I did a quick search. The one that jumped out at me - and SHOULD HAVE DONE YOU - was George Conway’s plea (more specifically, “desist”) to the media to stop covering his minor teenage daughter. In fact, even Claudia, herself perhaps initially too young to understand the reach and…
Neither wealth nor fame nor power have ever precluded pettiness. Oftentimes they just exaggerate it.