About those “golden buckets of water” - um, his particular proclivity for golden showers has been well documented. Of course, that has nothing to do with shower heads - in the usual sense.
About those “golden buckets of water” - um, his particular proclivity for golden showers has been well documented. Of course, that has nothing to do with shower heads - in the usual sense.
I assumed he uses the notorious William Howard Taft oversized bathtub. And plays with rubber duckies.
Gee, just maybe the Trumps contributed to Harris’ AG campaign because they thought it would buy them favor while they were embroiled in the then-ongoing “Trump Ocean Baja” fraud (they took millions in deposits, mainly from San Diego area seniors for condos in Rosarito Beach/ Tijuana, Mexico project then never built a…
He’s actually not that old; he’s 65, which by Senate standards qualifies him as a youth! And while I’d like him gone, beware of what his next move will be (straight line to nefarious lobbying and/or Fox News)
Agreed, and the US Govt (Dept of Commerce/Census statistics) uses slightly different years than Strauss & Howe - which is why I specified that I was using the S&H template.
I am a Gen X dork; not a Boomer dork. And you’re welcome, dear.
I realize you’re trying to be a bit pedantic - applying specific math to a social science theory - but the wiki page is a summary of a detailed ttheory explained in a ~500 page book. Some generations are fairly narrow, some are broader (because they are defined less on “x number of years birth cohorts” and more on…
To be precise, hasn’t Lady G already been (and continues to be) cozy with rent boys - both of the K Street lobbying kind and of the more traditional definition?
Joe Biden isn’t a Boomer; he’s of the Silent Generation (which has never produced a president before). We actually skipped the silent gen (JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and GHWBush were all “GI Generation”; Clinton, GWBush and Trump were Boomers, and Obama was Gen X. This is the first time we’re going BACK TWO…
I had never heard of this Ellis guy (two can play at that game). So I found this about her CV and history of offensive positions. (It’s a quick read, but worth it - she’s bonkers of course, but also way beneath the academic background any president would consider hiring. Even GW Bush’s most evil lawyers were all…
It sounds like everything in Dollywood is right in keeping with the Parton ethos: joyously glitzy and carefully constructed (at immense cost) - yet created to convey a marketable showbizzy story of her selected truth beneath it all. (Nobody confuses theme park attractions for reality, after all)
My only takeaway from this article (specifically the photo) is that I hope she has a very good bidet.
Oh, I saw it. It was a bit of a rough slog because Picasso himself was such an unsympathetic character. Of course, as portrayed by someone as charismatic as Banderas, it became watchable.
“I don’t believe in curses”
This should come as a surprise to NOBODY who remembers that the scandal that ruined his ex wife (Sarah Ferguson) for years involved just that: photos of her post-separation boyfriend sucking her toes. So Andrew having a foot fetish? Obviously - as does Fergie. It all makes perfect sense.
I fell in lust with him in Law of Desire. I fell in love with him as Rossy de Palma’s stuttering cuckold in Women on the Verge, and then came Atame. (The first time I saw Stockholm Syndrome as viable; if you were Victoria Abril, wouldn’t you?).