
How does this compare to something like a BlackRapid?

The 5DIII is a fantastic camera. Or are you suggesting that the D800 is better in every aspect so there's never a need to consider the 5DIII.

Big Data

I did...

Actually the date on the post I link will pre-date any other post you will find or FWD: FWD FWD: FWD: FWD you got yours from. You actually have no proof of origination (and all the other blind forwarders/reposters) of it being from a retired Marine. It looks like someone took it from this guys small and mostly unknown

Of course not, brandishing or handling a firearm improperly in public is not only illegal but not safe to begin with. Has nothing to do with conceal or open carry.

You're ignoring the actual post this was originated from? Harry Potter turns up a ton of hits, doesn't mean he's real. (he's real to me damn it) Not much into facts are you? Why would I bother than to explain the second part?

I can open carry in my state (Ohio) without a permit...

That wasn't written by a retired Marine it was written by this guy:

Try getting anywhere near f2.8 on zoom? They are rather common.

That's the one. After getting out of the AF we made the area home and make regular trips to the museum. The Valkyrie is definitely awesome. I'll have to grab pics of it the next time I'm out there.

We were just talking about trying to get over there sometime over the next year too. That would be awesome to check out.

Spent Saturday in the WWII section of the National Museum of the US Air Force. Love living so close to it.

I'm not sure how Honeycomb isn't intuitive.

Right or even MILC (Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera).

To a point I agree. There are things you get though with a pro body though that usually aren't found on lower classes of cameras. Of course those things are as important as those that need or want them.

It's a meaningless marketing term. There's nothing pro about it.

What kind of BS category is pro-compact? These fall below or around the same level as consumer DSLRs.

The Dayton, Ohio area has had problems this morning as well.

I got that much. It was more of a general reply to all the 'most android phones are spying on you' type headlines.