
First, I still don’t know what the buttons do. This is ridiculous (and probably very stupid on my part)

Yes. Yes it does.

So, does this mean The Force Awakens is just a dream-sequence?

What’s going to happen in the next 4 years?

Made famous by Terminator?! I think Colonel Jack O’Neill and the rest of SG-1 would have something to say about that. But seriously, not one single mention of the ten-year run of Stargate SG-1, with several establishing shots of Cheyenne Mountain in every episode?

I also known this for many years...

Man kept mouth shut

Blanks, it was kind of embarrassing. We don’t like to talk about it. So please stop bringing it up.

Ah wacky Norko. Hours after being sanctioned for firing missiles, they respond by firing missiles.


I Dawnald J Trwump have nevah used a computa. No computa, nevah! How d’ya think Hillary sent those criminal emails? Computa! That’s right, Hillary uses a computa. Only loosahs use computas. Loosahs!

he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.

“The name AneedA is like Anita but modified because you use it when you ‘need’ something.”

Maybe him and Kanye should get together to hash out a plan to save humanity? While they are together we lock the doors and walk away.

Sometimes I love being dyslexic, but only sometimes.

Aren’t burkas meant to conceal beauty, tho? :p

Living in Indiana I get to see all the new Corvettes on haulers headed north. They have cloth covers with a windshield cutout rather than the vinyl most imports have. I always called them car burkas and that’s the thought that came first here. I'm a joker at heart but in these modern times it seems more people are on

Pictures and videos of Miniatur Wunderland never cease to amaze me.

You list two direct competitors and a company that no longer makes phones. What exactly were you expecting?