
The first time I had a proper/real Indian food I felt high and was pleasantly buzzing as I left the restaurant. I haven’t experienced it since though.

Yub :)

That’s one Super Mac :) - Did you notice the guy in the front row that held his hand to his face as Phil said that? That guy must be on the ‘inside’ and still thought this was a bit too much.

Zoooo, do ich putz it on mein private partz, ja?

I’m with you there! I still have a vivid memory of being at a friends house and hearing it played and seeing the album cover, more or less at 9 or so and being very-very-scared about IT all :-)

I tossed one of those overboard in the North Sea or North Atlantic when sailing on a Icelandic container ship back in 1977-8. I was about 8 years old at the time. My father was an engineer on the ship and I used to travel with him on summer holidays. I remember drawing a picture of the ship and taping the bottle up

I’ve been using the original Pebble for some months now and really love its limited features - so personally I’m not bought on a watch that has soooo many features like the Apple Watch. I love the look and the whole gismo aspect of it, but I for one am not making the jump right now. The new Pebble does intrigue me

I want to have a one built into a Stormtrooper helmet! - I always imagined that they had something like that in their helmets, plus some serious cooling system :)

I agree! - Let’s all embrace the Icelandic name for these small remotely controlled flying things : Flygildi. - My job is done here. Bæ!

Yub, same here.

Same here - it's Pebble time, if any at all...

Yub, Sony, that's exactly how you should not do this. I'm sometimes amazed at how some major companies seem to be so way off when it comes to tech.

I've seen similar here in Teesside (UK) when 'they' (apparently) vent and burn gas at the chemical plant/refinery. If the conditions are right the whole sky lights up with an orange glow like that ...but that does last longer.
First time I saw this gas-burn it looked a lot like this video and I was sure the whole plant

I see a R.Crumb illustration in my mind of Mr.Rogers trucking down a street saying; "Don't eat them cray'uns kids!"

One may contemplate the existence of one's cultural deity, but one can not refute the existence of His Holiness, Bill Murray.

Belladonna? 0.34 - not that I should know, of course...

Very cool! - the copyright issues will be a nightmare though ;-)

I've got cramps from laughing - this is so great!! :)

I've been fixed to my desk the past +15 years and recently been suffering from a slipped disc for the first time in my life (it's nooooot nice) and my chiropractor says it's all down to my work - I've even managed to reshape my spine due to my sitting, it's flat, he says :/