
Pretty sure I saw Waldo in there somewhere.

I must be tired because I swear one guy's pants fell down at the end.

Ask the corn lobby that paid our overlords to restrict sugar imports and subsidize corn.

I still don't understand why Mexico gets Coke with real sugar and we don't.

When I was in undergrad I assisted one of my psych profs in a study sponsored by the NIH which looked at what kids drank with lunch and how it affected what they consumed and how much they consumed. We gave them chocolate milk sweetened with sugar on some days, chocolate milk sweetened with aspartame on others and

Wahhhh!!! You need a warning for epilepsy AND diabetes!!!

Great story. Reminds me of a J. Peterman catalog from Seinfeld.

I'm Finnish, we don't have any mountains.

Now playing

Cool. Jack and the band caught a ride in a sub breaking through the ice in Stargate: Continuum.

Every year we Icelanders have to rescue tourists that are not prepared for Icelandic weather in the countryside. The message is, don't be arrogant. People die in Iceland every year from weather, more than anything else. Be prepared, be smart and constantly monitor weather conditions.

Jokes are quite often stupid, but I find it striking that this theory offends you the most. You know theory number 4 involves Microsoft basing their important decisions off of my personal appearance? And the next one is even worse...?

Except the internal version number is better for identifying what you are working with? I think maybe someone may be trolling. In any case, if XP is beyond its life cycle, applications designed specifically for Windows 9.x are, as well.

I'd want the "physical destruction" to be rather more dramatic in that scenario. Which will make it a bit worrying to carry the phone around in my jeans pocket.

I like how that would be easier to put on your arm, but imagine the awful forearm tan lines!

Oooh, that's a great idea! If they could put a flexible screen into a thin sleeve, it'd be perfect. Then you'd avoid the odd looking double straps.

With every shot

I can't wait for the next batch of Apple toys to not be compatible with this followed by the entertaining spectacle of apple-polishers explaining how they're actually better off without it.

I should start to get jealous of you. My note 3 doesn't even last 6 hours.

4 days of battery? Even with the gigantic battery of the ridiculously big Note 3, which fandroid alternative reality this is?