
I’m not pregnant. I don’t plan on ever becoming pregnant. But I’m pretty sure I get to do whatever the fuck I want and eat whatever the fuck I want.

I have two kids and I’ve had to sit through Kobe’s last game for the past two hours so I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. The two aren’t connected but #1 gives me a right to have an opinion on this and #2 explains my attitude.

This comment is very illustrative. It deserves to be ungreyed.

So this Nanny didn’t sext or proposition her husband so much send a text meant for her friend extolling his hotness to him by mistake?

I am not sure she is coming out as a Republican but rather saying that Kasich would be the best of the Republican candidates, which I would agree with.

No, it's not wrong to have this discussion. Violence = bad, end of story. It doesn't matter whether it's man on woman, woman on man, man on man, or woman on woman. You don't hit people.

If you feel like women are never reprimanded for domestic violence watch an episode of Cops where a woman attacks a man. She goes to jail and if he didn't fight back he doesn't. The officers even give the same offer of help and treatment to the abused man that they do to the abused woman. Our society is not so focused

Asking "what ifs" is helpful to look into all possible scenarios and outcomes based on rules and regulations that we may want to change. They raise a good thought that instead of seeing it as male vs female, maybe we should see it as physically superior vs physically inferior. There could be cases where the woman is

As much as I detest Iggy Azalea (and god do I detest her) this whole sex tape debacle is not cool and Vivid should face legal action for soliciting a tape that was filmed without her knowledge (or consent) when she was still a legal minor.

I'm going to take a radical stance here and say I don't support teachers using school equipment to manufacture drugs or moonshine for personal/recreational use, either.

I know that on their site you can at least specify whether you want your donations to go to your local area, or an area that needs it most, or the national office. I wonder if they've updated that to include programs like this?

I request Freedom Fry-flavored cookies. Thanks, love!

does nobody else think that both stories seem off? Even if he is a douche why would he out of no where repeatedly attack a woman for no reason. Like I don't believe it was as saintly as he says and that elevator snap was all the proof I need of his douchedom. Where was everyone at the dance? Like why we're they not

Agreed. If he disrupted a holy ceremony or caused damage to the statute, I'm totally there for misdemeanor charges. But this? This is just harmless stupidity. If Jesus is all that offended I'm sure he'll have a sit down with him or send him to time out in a molten pit.

Ugh, can we stop wasting time and resources on arresting people for totally harmless shit?

I would caution against using a jersey as Hersh's suggests unless you have plumber on call.

If God lent me this penis, it's gonna be pretty wrecked when he gets it back.

HOORAY for Mondays!