
So I've asked this before on another article about this and I think it was too far down and didn't get out of the grays, so I'm going to ask again here where there's actually a chance people will see it. I'm going to preface by saying that I think Ray Rice is a scumbag asshole who deserves everything he's getting and

Thank you for adding a link at the bottom for people that need help or may want to contribute to a good cause. One of my biggest issues with Jez of late is all the complaining about bumbling of fundraising type issues while not providing a link to help (… and

Where are they planning on building it? How much will Right-of-way acquisition cost? What about environmental permitting? Will they even be ABLE to permit it?

This will never happen.

Someone explain these boots to me. And why they are over the pants. I mean, if you designed pants, shouldn't I see the pants?

How can profits decrease by 77% while raising consumer costs 38%? Who did that math? What I mean is, if profits decrease by 77%, I'm fairly certain the corporation would increase the consumer's cost by 77% to offset that loss in order to maintain the status quo of profit. I'm uncertain how they would randomly choose

I donate to PP and now I want my donations to go specifically to this program... Do you think I can make that happen? :-D

Was just gonna say that. Definitely not a good idea.

You already have the option of choosing how many kbps or Mbps you want to pay for through your ISP, depending on the price you want to pay. This ruling will allow certain websites to use the MAXIMUM speed you're already paying for and other websites will not be able to use that speed - depending on how much the

Do I always have to see nipples? Where would it ever be appropriate to wear this? A breastfeeding convention, maybe?

I have serious questions. I'm not trying to be provocative, I just want to know what other people think.

This headline can be applied to any video specifically made to go viral. A mom and dad singing "Let it Go" in the car. A mom and dad lip syncing "Let it Go" in the car. Strangers slapping each other. Strangers making out. Anything along those lines. Seriously, I'm bored.

I wonder if he believes in God. If so, has he SEEN God? If so, maybe we should call a psychiatrist. What an asshole.

Never mind - I missed a sentence. This is pretty cool.

God, seriously.

I don't understand how you can know that he was gay since he was a teeny tiny baby but still believe that it's a choice. Like a toddler or infant can make that choice.

Yep, still curing... I'm not sure what the estimate is for when it will "finish" (it's asymptotic, though, right, so it never REALLY finishes, right?!).

Still curing...

I dunno, I'm a structural engineer and it's not an exact science to me... although I design bridges - different animal altogether :-) I never did understand shear walls. But then, I never needed to!

I have money taken out of my paycheck that goes to Planned Parenthood - I think I'm good.