
"Then why are you standing there?" GOD, I love her!!!

One thing I also really love about the show is how it subtly comments on how people don't suspect Spector/Dornan, simply because he's so attractive. That scene in the first episode of the 2nd season when the woman flirting with him responds to his question of "does this (police drawing of him, the Belfast strangler)

And then it calls the audience right the fuck out on that, more than once. That second season was intense.

my favourite was the "for fuck's sake!" right before she hit him

My ring is made out of organically-grown, free-range lentils and the artisans who made it actually paid me to take it off their hands.

well he cheated on me & it was a very expensive ring so i sold it & bought myself a car, champagne & a really great mixing console.

Nah. Fucking your teenaged daughter is objectively wrong. NEXT.

Oh for fuck's sake. THIS is the exact type of comment people are talking about when they talk shit about Jezebel commenters.

All this reminds me of is this bird called a Sage-Grouse.

No, we have manecks. With man in them.

thank you. thank you. thank you. aaron taught me how to live, and i think the purpose of my life is to share him with whoever will listen to me. x

Yeah, the 4 is the "tell" here.

Thank you for that gif, Burt. The PTC has no clue what I need to get through a day.

I'm sorry but what children are watching this show, exactly?

Also, young Alexis really needs someone to explain to her where the human butt crack is.

Wait, you're saying that because I'm 34 I don't count as young anymore? damn you erin!

I'm technically 40. But I vote like a 25 year-old. Does that count?

To be fair, people who get the "irony" of "normcore" need to be punched in the face.

That's definitely the case. But I think he's also young and generally unseasoned. He's an outrageously brilliant and capable man. If his presidency and Hillary's nearly inevitable one were swapped in order, he would have been a better President. That's my opinion. I admire him and his efforts, but I look forward to