Everyone knows Doctors use sonic screwdrivers, not stethoscopes.
Everyone knows Doctors use sonic screwdrivers, not stethoscopes.
You know what’s not in most coverage of this case, especially on this site? That when they arrested Newland, they found her to be running the same “Kye” scam on some other woman online.
I know we’re all getting a proper giggle about this guy’s message from his god regarding saggy pants, and his colleague who has an addendum to god’s memo regarding the ladies, as well we should, but does it not disturb people that these two elected officials believe they have any right passing laws based on their…
I hope he kept that lively spirit, and that he enjoys a full recovery.
And Mr Ford’s video clips are way better than Mr Barry’s.
Ya, but crack smoking mayors were invented here, right in our nation’s capitol.
No, Bobby, it’s because you have your public high schools teaching abstinence only sex ed that the kids in your state are lousy with the clap and babies. If you never teach a kid how to put on a condom he most likely will never put one on. If you pay religious run programs to teach lies and spread misinformation about…
I know, right, what else are they doing if not listening in? Laziness! But seriously, when my cousin married a woman from Turkey a few years back they had to fill out all kinds of paperwork and jump through all sorts of hoops just to get the visa for her to come over for the marriage, prove it was an actual…
I’m pretty sure Tori Spelling tried something like that.
I don’t think anyone’s advised her of Pillsbury’s “Purely Simple” line of mixes. Because there’s nothing in it that can’t be pronounced in it’s 9 ingredients. Though I doubt her local Whole Foods carries Pillsbury, that’s for plebs not celebrities.
I’ve a roommate in a green card marriage with a Lebanese woman. He says her family gave him $30,000 to do it and he was broke so he signed the paperwork. She doesn’t even live with him and he does nothing but bad mouth her, her family and Lebanese people in general. I have no idea how they’re not being investigated.
His running mate will be the great Steve Austin
Really? A myth? ‘Cause at 36, with 19yrs experience, I still bleed when I have sex, even with tons of foreplay that cause multiple orgasms before we even start fucking, lubricated condoms and the same partner for the last 16yrs. Not copious amounts, but I still tear a little every time. There’s still a little pain the…
This isn’t the same as Davis and anyone here getting pissy about this woman, who works for a private business, only asking for what is legally her right to ask, and not actually depriving anyone of fucking anything, need to check themselves.
There is nothing to apologize for, thank you for sharing. Bowie makes any day better.
So what you’re saying is I just need to cross paths with him and I’ll have my very own Bowie Baby! I need to find out his schedule!
From the state of his “career”, you’re not alone.
Agreed. She was one of my favorite characters.
You should get all the stars for using cromulent in a sentence!