
Missed the part about how “Kye” was recovering from a “brain tumor”?

You mustn’t have a sibling. My brother would take great pleasure in beating me if we happened to be world class tennis champions and I was about to make tennis history and then never let me live it down if he succeeded. The Williams sisters have a long history of competing fiercely against one another, so I’m betting

It must be weird being Single White Femaled by your baby sister. I bet that’s not helping Kim’s body dysmorphia.

Dear Huckabee:

True enough!

Here you go, from the news report. People were apparently fine with the Bigfoot tags until he “went too far” and tagged a historical marker. They arrested the guy on criminal mischief and drug possession charges. No reason given for why he does this.

I know what you mean, but the truly upsetting thing is that being the county clerk is her family’s business.

Impeach, not fire. She’s an elected official refusing to do her duties, she needs to be impeached.

That wasn’t a joke, that’s an unfortunate reality this walking stereotype will face. If sentenced I am sure that this young man will learn exactly what it’s like to have another person’s will forced on him, just like he forced his will on that 15yr old child despite her saying no. Either thru a rapey bunkmate looking

I’m betting he’ll learn what it’s like to say “no” and to not have that respected.

He’s 19. He was 17 when he shoved his dick inside a crying 15 year old child. He can vote, go to war and now he can go to prison.

A) The first thing I learned was that there were 2 Short Circuit movies

He’s right, it’s called my uterus, and it’s none of anyone’s damn business how I use it, or don’t, because it is literally inside and attached to my internal organs and therefore I get to decide what happens inside it. All. The. Time. Don’t like me having veto power over what’s allowed inside me? Then don’t combine

Ya, there’s a reason why so many Mormons, especially the women, are on anti-depressants.

One of the best pieces of advice my mom ever gave me was “Sometimes, when things seem really bad, the only thing you can say is “Fuck’.”

All I got from this is that we’re setting up children to become either rapists, victims, or social outcasts from a very young age by teaching females to prove their worth by setting them up to be vaginal gatekeepers against male peers taught to prove their value by circumventing the gatekeepers at all costs.

What I get from this article is:

I think I know where you got confused.

Because it’s not just movie money they’re counting, over on the Variety site they explain that Aniston’s Aveeno contract and other endorsement deals, plus whatever she gets in Friends syndication cash, put her, a couple of others, on the list.

I went to Catholic school all the way through as well, and the good sisters never once accepted “’Cause God did it” as an answer in science class and made sure our biology class taught sex ed. Though, the teacher prefaced everything not about abstinence with the phrase, “Now the Church teaches that birth control of