
I haven’t listened yet, but based on the lyric excerpt this sounds terrible. Sorry... I actually do like most of Taylor’s musuc. Maybe it’s better when you listen to it?

I’m guessing it’s based on numerology. He posts positive affirmation type tweets at 11:11. I’m guessing 11 days seemed too short & 1111 days seemed like entirely too much

I fear our replacement is literally going to be a government employee hand delivering a loaded gun instead of major medical care, or just toughing it out at home. Your choice 😾

To ensure health coverage through his otherwise “pre-existing condition”?

It helps people. So obviously = bad *eyeroll*

To counter, at Punchie’s wedding Robin did tell Ted relatships needed good timing (and chemistry) to work out.

#1 actually happens to other people too??? I thought I was alone

I think not recognizing any of them until getting to this post was my feat today

Pretty positive it’s the same natural skintone of daddy dearest. No wonder he spackles on the spray tanner!

Teenaged? One of them. Thankfully not underaged. But she did sone digging to make damn sure of that.

Maybe we are reading it all wrong though. A friend of mine is separated and waiting on divorce papers to go through from her husband, but they have 2 kids together and even thoughtheir romantic partnership is over, are living together like roommates and coparenting. Who’s to say that’s not the case?

And when his gf took off her fake lashes & colored contacts 😂😂😂

Right? I mean it’s not even stretching it...the song was written for the Titanic. There’s no escaping that you didn’t *know* what happens in the movie

Maybe its both and he really was the stalker guy high in the subway...

Well...unlike Gorsuch, I don’t think anyone really *wants* to have sex with those dudes

Oh shit! This deprecating talk of Ben Affleck just reminded me I rented today the Accountant (because Anna Kendrick ❤) and totes forgot to watch it!

Well that’s some inbreeding...

There’s an episode that a happy ending exists? Yay

Maybe she wants to be an entertainment lawyer?

I think RiRi is going to go more Unicorn Tears from Too Faced personally