
Yes! This!

Bur at least soundtrack version has Anna Kendrick on it so that makes the song a delight

It’s even sadder in context

Errrrrrrr...... many times these people who are let in get squaters rights so you actually can’t call the police on them. It only works if they leave and try to get back in, but squaters aren’t that dumb.

Excellent point. I’m also curious about these newer ratings of TDS is that strictly tv ratings? I have to guess a lot of viewers probably don’t do cable anymore and probably watch via youtube and HULU.

Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers (and truthfully so did Trevor Noah) did that every night on their show pre-election. I think a LOT of people literally let their votes go to waste & not do it at all, thinking we all make sure Hil had it in the bag.

Don’t ask me, I voted for the other guy *facepalm*

That would really explain Corrine

Well dammit! You’re obviously the superior of the two ❤

And if you read his acceptance speech, it’s a blurb about how terrorists attacked the LGBT community. So...

Are we sure she’s not just a part of the new Trump administration? We live in a strange time...

But it’s super easy if people would just go:

And even Justin was like “no! I’m not touching this! Give me the soundtrack about Troll dolls!”

I know. My heart was giddy with John Daniels sweetness....then they ship him off and he dies all alone? Ugh!

I don’t read (for fun) but I’m also spending 8 - 12 hours a day reading textbooks so...

Oh thank God no!

And Michelle’s right after was like UN-be-lievable!”

Oh Lord... I need to share.

I fear falling asleep for I’ll miss these precious moments 😢

But “[they] don’t see color” so how would they know? /s