
I Just found out I am pregnant, about two or so weeks along. I had a condom break, then took the morning-after pill and it did not work. As soon as I found out I looked up clinics and yesterday booked my termination, which I am having in exactly one week from today.

I've had "your husband is super handsome" comments range from a good for you tone to straight up confused. I saw his smile from across the bar, told him to invite me over, and the rest is history...... so yes, FUCK THAT NOISE!

I'm sorry, all this study seem to prove (to me) is that rats like oreos and cocaine more than rice cakes and saline. THANKS, SCIENCE.

The Company of Wolves! If ya'll haven't been reading Angela Carter, you need to start right the fuck now.

The teachers thing kills me. There's a law that requires teachers to report shit like this. My mind is blown by that.

This is the problem: they weren't evil. They were humans with common character traits exposed to a particular kind of stimulus.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, because that is one of the first things guys seem to love to ask me. The next time a guy does this, I'm just going to point and yell "JEW KILLER" and run away.

I think the main problem is that we assume that anything fit/thin people are eating or drinking (or pretending to) is "healthy," as though that were the only measure of health.

I am undone.

At the bottom of the pic is a button that says "A Womans". I seriously want to know what the rest of it says. >.>

And, yeah, body shaming one woman is a great way to make other women join your party. At least the insecure, shallow ones.

Why women continue to support such a blatantly misogynist group of [every foul insult I can think of is entering my brain at once], is beyond me.

Please don't promote any comments which accuse him of lying. That's not how we treat potential victims of sexual assault round here y'all. Thanks!

"vaguely traumatic"? The hell, Doug Barry?

Look, if the phrase "you people" is ever about to come out of your mouth, stop, take a deep breath, and walk away.

"Won't allow her to be a dead starfish in bed"

But not at the same time, 'cuz that would be a threesome

Anybody wanna tell him that the Moors conquered Spain back in the day?

Yeah, I was thinking, " tattoos, no piercings, isn't 'slutty,' has never had a threesome, isn't 'sarcastic.'" Good luck finding a girl like that in Austin, buddy.

On behalf of Black women everywhere, I assure this guy that he is in no danger of any Nubian woman even thinking about dating him.

"I do not ever want to have kids, so if a girl is wanting to have babies, I am not her man." Well, at least we can be modestly sure he won't reproduce.