Defense may be to prove your client didn't rape. Not to prove the victim asked for it.
Yes, it's a grave disorder. I have it mostly under control, but I may have attacks at ice cream counters. Then I lick the glass, the counter, and even the people in line. I don't know how I get through the day sometimes.
I had tofu, kale salad and brown rice for lunch.
Thanks. I know it will probably be fine. I think I'm still doing it just so if something were to go wrong (my other reason is a family history of Celiac disease, which also might be affected by breastfeeding), I can say I did what I could and won't second guess myself when I'm packing lunches with $6 loaves of bread.
Whew! I don't do a through d! I answer my doc's questions and at some point, I say "Maybe it's all in my head. It's all in my head isn't it?"
Bringing the lawsuit helps solidify the legal precedent that business cannot discriminate against customers for their sexual orientation, just as a restaurant can't refuse to seat a black person. It's an important step towards a culture where no one thinks twice about gay people getting married and you don't have…
Exactly, we should be better than the criminals, using violence as a tool to correct violence doesn't work.
God, I would do just about anything to be able to hold my mother's tiny, wrinkled, boney, delicate, sun-spotted hands again.
Thanks, random internet friend! And you know, if anyone else in the world posted what I did, I would respond just as you did, and I would mean it 10000% honestly. I hate how much I have internalized. I'm a really smart person, I should know better! But still, I think "EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! except you, seabird,…
I once dated a guy who told me that black women often look really young until you look at their hands. Then he looked at my hands. That was our last date.
You'd think that if a dude actually believed that "his whole life would be ruined [because] the girl always wins" in the case of a rape accusation, they'd be even more determined to assure consent before having sex.
Oh no, if history is any indicator, rape won't hinder his chances of becoming a famous football player at all.