
I guess you’re not American. Here, the people in charge think poverty is a moral failing, and don’t like to give individuals money or help or healthcare because they believe it will foster laziness.

The automation elephant in the room has been around since society started. The solution is to raise/educate people for other jobs, not to hang on to old and inefficient methods.

The corollary to “You have to have money to make money” is “You also have to have money to save money.” If I barely have enough to buy a single item, then by definition I don’t have enough money to buy the economy pack with the associated per-item savings.

Enjoy your email, sucker.

I’m convinced that anyone uttering the word ‘wellness’ is running a scam.

I’d think Alanis would have included something in her story where grid girls were being underpaid/overworked/sexually assaulted, anything with substance other than, OMG I’m so outraged bc reasons.

Way to look out for all the women out there doing gigs that they enjoy.

But what about all the women that enjoy cheerleading? We should fuck them over “in their best interest”?

I’m curious if you are also against cheerleaders in the NFL/NBA/ etc... Or models in general.

I failed to see any meaningful data in the article supporting the ban of grid girls.

I’m a huge F1 fan and my wife who is well educated and has ZERO care of racing will watch a GP with me every Sunday. She’s so smart that just when you think she isn’t watching, I will yell at the TV and she will actually correct me with the better strategy........

A couple important things here. Your first paragraph is an appeal to the majorty, not real argument. “Everyone says it ought a be a law!” does not make a law just.

It won’t matter. Trump could publicly call John Lewis a nigger and nothing will happen. Republicans who need to be seen as “moderates” will say that they are concerned; other Republicans will insist that Trump said “nigga,” and even if he didn’t, why are black people (and the Left in general) so eager to thought

The article is pretty spot on no matter how you try to twist it. Most woman can handle this shit just fine. Not saying its ok just saying that the movment does seem like a disney special painting women as unable to deal with a creep. Seriously. There isnt that many pervs. At least not the rapey kind. Woman can handle

I’d change it to

Lol the U.S. Armed Orifices and the Air Fork

Looks familiar.