
Trump is a selfish, entitled asshat with no respect for the people who disagree with. As is anyone defending his actions and anyone who supports him. Which in turn ignores or accepts his vile behavior. Anyone bothered by that guy screaming in Disney, yeah It sucks, but this is the world we live in right now. We owe it

Well Trump supporters normalized this behavior in a president. So they reap what they sow. My kids see Trump’s hate on TV. Even when I don’t want them to. I say to Trump supporters don’t complain now. You wanted a president without morals who yells, insults and says whatever you wants. Trump inspires this sort of

Have mom start blowing dad. That’ll stop ‘em.

People were just less candy assed back then, and there was a thing call Survival Of The Fittest and thinnings of the herd... now every dumbass fuckwit useless member of society gets to survive everything because we coddle everyone with warning labels and safety precautions and THE WORLD IS FUCKED.


I can’t quite tell if she’s just really dumb or if she’s actually, like, impaired.

Cardi is proof that to be famous you don’t need any talent, just a good PR team.

I was anti-gay myself. I said bad things to my daughter myself, which I regret.

In the city i live most of the cops drive ford explorers so it will pay for one jurisdictions gas for the day.

Well I guess my partner and I are both rapists then, and should be ostracized and fired from our jobs.

I’m pretty sure I never drank water as a kid outside of occasionally running inside to chug a glass while playing with friends or do a version of that at a water fountain next to basketball practice. Kids don’t need to constantly hydrate. Even in high school I’d have a morning banana (not a euphemism) and nothing else

Well that’s the biggest load of horseshit I’ve read in quite a long time, and I spend some time trolling trolls on Yahoo Answers.

She’s only been married to Mnuchin for two months and she’s laying claim to how much “we’ve” paid in taxes. Who are “we”? She and Mnuchin won’t even be filing a joint tax return for nearly a year (or more if they file an extension).

whose most high-profile role to date is a 2007 appearance on “CSI: NY,”

Oh look a concern troll! Eat shit you fuckin garbage ass loser.

Was side curtain airbag deployed? Hopefully all local Infiniti service providers are on the lookout.

Yeah, because fuck cyclists, amirite?

Horrible choice of music. Needs some Benny Hill. And it’s so relaxing seeing cyclists eat asphalt.