
Most of them are openly racist. So yes. I moved here a year ago. It’s awful. The food sucks. The people are weird and drive terribly and look funny. The amount of cultural appropriation by young white people that look like 50 cent is hilarious and I have to say I have never seen a person wearing a fedora and a

The Mercedes R class has a bottle opener and a foil cutter for champagne built in the center of the front cupholders

How does this save money by adding shit. Now they gotta pay shipping for millions of packages. They gotta pay people to pack them and then they gotta pay for the boxes themselves and of top of that the extra wear and tear on vehicles and gas. This is a stupid fucking idea

Uhhmm. Music is subjective. Janet hasn’t had a hit in forever. Justin has and y’all are thinking and reading wayyyyyy too deep into to fucking pop music. I don’t like JT but to treat this as some sort of insult is hilarious. He has a new album out. He is popular. The NFL is a fucking bussiness not a preaching post for

Came for this. Am happy

Hey y’all. Killing whales is bad. The problem is nobody gives a fuck. We don’t give a fuck because whales have zero influence on the vast majority of peoples lives. Again. I’m against killing the whales but even a million of you crying about it ain’t gonna change a damn thing. Don’t give up. it’s a noble cause but

Just cause you feel a certain way doesn’t make it fact. There are millions of white kids rapping along to their favorite artist saying that word without a racist bone in them. Your logic is centered on how you feel individuals should behave. Which is stupid. I don’t know anybody who hasn’t said the word and I’m white

Its entertaining thats not useless.

Bro. I get it . #metoo doesnt have a single god damn thing to do with this. Horny teenagers could give a shit less. Ill spare ya cause i just had a rant about it. The jist of it is that perverrts and rapists could give exactly 2 fucks less about the movement. The movement is at best making dudes think twice before

The article is pretty spot on no matter how you try to twist it. Most woman can handle this shit just fine. Not saying its ok just saying that the movment does seem like a disney special painting women as unable to deal with a creep. Seriously. There isnt that many pervs. At least not the rapey kind. Woman can handle

Attach heavy duty lifting bags. Wait for melt. Float to shore. Pay 9 month rental fee of 90-842k do not call insurance.

Agreed 100 percent. My dumb ass played around in the back of a rolling Ford station wagon as a kid and I’ll be damnned if my 9 and 5 year old cant do the same in my E46 wagon. Stupid yes. Dangerous yes. Dont give a shit. I wear my seatbelt when i remember i think its stupid not too. I make my kids wear theirs. Both of

My wifes foot was severed to the achilles because she had her foot on the dash. It went through the windshield as the airbag deployed behind her knee. 10 years and dozens of surgeys later i would argue it ruined her life. She went to school to be a nurse. Now she cant walk very long at all on her reconstructed foot.

A serious question about consent.. Does umm anybody actually do that? Like in real life not just on the internet? Im 31 and Ive had about 10 or so sexual partners and its always been like spur of the moment passionate.. Just going for it? The thought of pausing every little while and saying is this ok? Is this ok?

I hate weed smokers. That said. I dont give a shit. They dont bother anybody. Shits legal all over the place anyway. Where its not they smoke anyway. Wasting energy being mad at pot smokers is just that. A waste of energy. Since im two jack and cokes in i also wanna say im tired of all these stupid fucks around me

Ten years ago my wife was in a crash sitting passenger with her foot on the dash her foot went thru the windsheild as the airbag went off and severed her foot. She was in school for nursing cant really do that now. She is going on disability because of that and other health issues. They reattached it with bone grafts

He is autistic. My brother is autistic and he is funny as hell. Definitely not triggered. Just think its unfair to judge not knowing he is actually handicapped.

Working in a luxury dealer for more than 7 years has taught me not to judge. I have seen some really scummy looking people roll off the lot in AMG’s and Bentleys etc. I think its on purpose and i also think that truely rich people dont flaunt much. All the scummy looking rich folk that come through always seem to buy

The dealer I work at sells a crapton of mercedes that have awd and the twin turbo v8 with somewhere north of 400hp. Being a strong beliver in the RWD master race, There is nothing more satisfying then the feeling of putting your foot to the floor from a dead stop to experience the violent acceleration without the