
You are no better than anyone else that says all X people are Y. There are something on the order of three quarters of a million badge and gun type police officers in the US, do you really think all of them are like this? People would be dropping dead so fast it wouldn’t even be news anymore.

You realize that in most places in the US it is perfectly legal for non-felon legal residents to carry a gun in their car, right? Some places require you to get a permit, some don’t. What do you think is going to be different if said people “have their way?”

Because car sales people needed a day off is why the rule was made.

Then they woldn’t be open on holidays either. Frankly that isn’t as much of an issue anymore with so many of the tools the dealers use online.

And the next one is on the far opposite corner of the DFW metro, up near Anna NE of Dallas. It is called LG Motorsports Park. They have put up some buildings but were fighting the city over the track. They just won a battle with the city over annexation and are slated to break ground on the track itself. I hate their

Well, since Alex has already said he is quitting after the coming season, what leverage do you think he has?

To be fair, I’d have to ask if it could possibly be that the number of women who are 1. highly qualified in these fields (therefore drawing high salaries) AND 2. willing to work for Trump is so small that it is skewing the high paying jobs towards men?

These nosepicking simians are not my fucking peers.

I agree with you 100% I remember in that class same day about boming Japan twice.

That’s because we’re taught that America is great and has never done anything bad. Ever. At all. Name one thing, I dare you!

Some are actually pretty okay with this since it means that the government isn’t going to pay for reassignment surgery now. Last September Manning’s lawyer stated that the government had agreed to provide the surgery.

That’s too fast, IMHO. I took the toll road near Austin a couple of years ago and I was not comfortable at that speed in my rental car.

I am in favor of state funding for health care in general, including the types of things that PP does, but that isn’t really relevant. When a couple making $50K a year says that they can’t afford to have a kid I do not understand it. Yes, they can (unless they are living in Manhattan or San Francisco, but then is that

I hate to tell you this but there are a shitload of people who can’t afford to have a couple or even any children out there having many children.

So you’ve proven he was deported for...minor traffic convictions.

So you made me look it up. Thanks for that. The guidelines state

So you’re going to completely ignore the fact that he has a criminal record after becoming an adult?

Meh. So what if she only got $800K. They clearly have no financial awareness. I’d bet if she got $10M we’d be seeing the same article only it would be 2 years from now.

I’m not quite sure just how Sikorsky bollocks up this program so badly.

That is exactly what they want. They want all states to reduce contributions to the federal government. For some states, yes, that would mean they have less money, but from their perspective they would have fewer federal mandates and they would be able to manage their budget themselves.