
At least he has no reason to yell at the plow operator

wealth ≠ success, stop equating the two

So, the only gun here was the one that stopped the attacker. So you were being serious when you said “thanks,” right?

One of the things I like about these is the recovery system. Makes stuff like this much safer.

Now playing

They did show a picture of an airplane at the top? Yeah, it’s pretty weak.

You are so spoiled.

You are so spoiled.

1. The way you think of women who disagree with you is part of the reason you alienated so many voters who should have been our allies.

angry toddlers pissing their pants any time they don’t get their way

I’ve had better luck on the phone. I’ve only had one dealership refuse to give me an out the door quote on the phone and we did not contact them further (nor since). There were three others that did quote. Two of which were within $150 of each other. We picked the more responsive salesman and we closed the deal, out

You miss the part where Bill Clinton said the same thing in 1991

Just like Bill Clinton, who used it in 1991. But again, don’t let the facts get in the way of you turning a trivial phrase into a big deal.

How about one that doesn’t use your facial recognition signature to make money by selling it to advertisers so that they can target you out in the world. And (puts on tinfoil) be sold to the government so they can identify you on security/surveillance cameras.

People telling them what their “self interests” are seems to be part of the problem.

because white working class voters routinely vote against their own economic best interest, no matter how much Dems cater and beg and explain.

Michigan and Wisconsin were lots by less than the margin of voters that went for Stein. So, yes, more effort probably would have helped.

Please. 1. This isn’t a significant potion of the population. 2. They will actually follow through when half of Hollywood moves to Canada.

Oh, yes, absolutely, there was a huge number of people voting “not Hillary.” I wonder just how many Johnson voters were voting “not-Trump.” I’d guess a fairly large percentage. Johnson brought in nearly 4x as many votes this time than he did last time. If he had managed to get up to 5% he could have qualified his

Wow, “Dingus.” You really told me. Is this the typical level of discourse for a Hillary supporter? No wonder people were completely uninspired and mostly voted for her out of hate for Trump. A vote for Johnson, is a vote against the establishment. Hillary doesn’t own any vote but her own. People like you are why we

This is all academic anyway, but either side could have dropped out at any time regardless of what the other did. If Jill had thought that Donald was as big a threat as some people she would have dropped out. Of course Gary’s votes swamped Jill’s but he wasn’t going to drop out no matter what. Most polls actually have

Trump is a red herring. You and your Hillary supporters, along with the Democrat power structure, pushed aside a man who could have made real change for the better. The US didn’t opt for Trump, they went with anti-establishment. Republicans, of all people, broke free; Democrats did not. Prior to this election, the