
Is it just me or did the ship at the end, called out as an FFG-7, look much more like an LPD-17? You would think that BAE Systems would know the difference especially since the two ships look nothing alike.

This is, frankly, a cheap shot. Eight weeks PAID is generous compared to most companies in the US. There are soooo many more reasons to dislike that family, this is weak, you can do better.

It was for violations of the espionage act. Which is probably close enough.

That is common. I’m worth more disabled now than I would be if I worked until retirement age. (Sorry to hear about your situation though)

He actually did the replacement himself and got a column from a U-Pick junkyard.

I don’t think that is the point of this site. This is more of a feed the monster click bait kind of site.

You would be right if they had enough police cars to post them up practically in view of each other. The reason they go stealth is to instill a feeling of fear when the drivers can’t see a cop so they drive slow all the time.

I personally don’t give a shit if they weigh in. Just like I don’t give a shit if any other “celebrities” weigh in. Simply being a successful actor doesn’t give you any special insight into politics or international affairs. What they say is unimportant, and I do not hear them.

Kids or not, based on the rest of this thread, I think it is appropriate to congratulate yourself for living within your means. Regardless of whether that includes daycare.

The police cannot take your images or devices from you unless they have a warrant.

Interesting. In my area I’ve seen FD paramedics show up without police for a severe asthma attack and a grand mal seizure (no history). However, the police got there first when 911 was called for a head injury. In our case it may be linked to the possibility the cause was violence.

(I also laugh because I have to register my tiny little drone with the FAA, yet guys build 200lb+ jet fighter RC plane replicas that can fly way farther and faster than my drone (and do more damage) but no one is concerned about them....) Ahhhh hype, gotta love it...

There’s so much stigma against mental illness and efforts to treat it

We tried to have nice things, but it turns out there are simply too many of us willing to make each other miserable.

I don’t know if anyone has sued over this law yet... But hopefully someone with more resources than I have, like the ACLU or SPLC could take a shot at it.


The goggles do nothing.

Im gonna go ahead and guess he’s not flying helicopters anymore.

If you dropped dead, he would miraculously figure out how to do all those things.

Good for it? I don’t know. It really makes the inter-axle differential spin a lot. I don’t know if maybe you were just supposed to shift through the middle ratio and run in either high or low. I personally don’t like two speed axles in tandems because you are just replicating a bunch of stuff. If you search on “Eaton