
I thought it was fine when it was called dances with wolves. The niece thought it was pretty good when it was called Fern Gully. When they called it The Last Samurai I thought the story line was getting tired, but still, it wasn’t terrible. When JC called it Avatar I thought it was just very tired story as a way to

You’re not even trying to make sense. You must be just trolling. Congrats you got me.

Lol. You are the one that brought up Bush. Why bring it up then? Do you not have a real point? Or were you just trolling?

Her attempting to ruin his life is not just being mean. Stop and think for a minute what this does to the credibility of women who have actually been assaulted.

People would get all up tight about invasion of privacy. Especially people growing pot indoors.

Well, shit. As long as she isn’t worse than Bush. I mean that’s the best we could ever hope for. (Are we still doing the b.b.b.but Bush?)

1. TS/SAR is rarely harmless crap.

I don’t think he is suing the school for investigating him, he seems to be suing for NOT investigating her.

One of my pet peeves is people who use someone with a seeming vendetta as proof that they are crazy and the person they are accusing must be innocent.

Only because Apple would blame the users for it somehow, then suggest that they just buy an asbestos case for it.

Sure it is, but it teaches all the wrong things.

Oh great. Now I want Frosted Flakes. Thanks a bunch.

Wow. Gym teacher didn’t know how to tell if an arm injury was serious? It isn’t all that difficult to do a few simple test with the person. That is completely unacceptable. Or she really didn’t care. Either way.

I’ll take the middle ground and indent with 5 tabs

And now everybody is ignoring the fact that she asked to be excused.

Of course they shouldn’t take what isn’t theirs. But if you did as you say and leave the unlocked laptop in the middle of 5th Ave. I hope you won’t be surprised when the information is made public. Doesn’t make it right, it just is. At least until climate change wipes out all of humanity.

It was made as well as their coffee.

I seriously hate this fucking site with the heat of a thousand-billion white-hot suns.

I do like that some of the new planes have taller overhead bins so that roller bags that fit into the frame by the gate can slide in on their side vs. on the front or back, thus increasing the number of bags that can be accommodated. Unfortunately this will probably result in people bringing bigger bags and still

I can be selective too. (This bias seems to be more pervasive in the UK so we’ll talk about the US.)