
Kansas City, MO issues arrest warrants for parking tickets and I pissed off a cop once.

He’s one of the highest grossing actors because he never turns down work, even when the project is bad. Just go over to IMDB and look at his filmography. He’s had multiple projects every year going back 30 years.

So it’s encased in Sodium Carbonate. It should be quite well protected, assuming it survived the freezing process.

This is all BS. The UK has a net outflow of cash to the EU not the other way around. If the UK wants science and research they can easily take the money out of the surplus and apply it. The difference is that now it is actually under the control of the UK.

I don’t know, fly casual.

Making them work at a Wal-Mart for long enough to pay off the cost of the damage

Did you read what I posted? I’ll save you time and answer for you. No you did not. I specifically stated he promised to do things that he did not have the power to deliver. It would seem you agree with that when you say

“But I kept more than I broke” is the defense? Is that where we are now? Are we are so jaded that we are willing to not just accept but praise that as a great achievement?

Except he hasn’t done anything on this but talk; I’ll thank him when it actually comes to fruition. He has a habit of making promises to do things that aren’t entirely within his power. E.g. Gitmo still isn’t closed 8 years after he made the promise to close it within one year; not entirely his fault, but he should

WTF? The “rightists” don’t want to excuse mental illness. They want to put mentally ill people on death row. They’d probably have this guy hung or let the villagers stone him to death.

He probably thinks that remaining in the EU is a direct threat to his person and that this was therefore self defense. Either way he’s a nutjob.

He’s trying to underline the point that immigrants are the ones who pose a violent threat to society.

What about the Victory Empulse TT? It is an American company, it is not a cruiser, and it is available today.

Yes, exactly. Last time I checked, HD was taking in $0.40 on branding and after market for every $1 they take in on bikes. That’s income, not profit. I don’t know the profit numbers but the margin on the branding is much higher than the bikes.

I don’t see anybody using a 50 year old Honda car as a daily driver either, that doesn’t mean that Chevrolet cars are better. It means that people are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to keep American vehicles running due to nostalgia. In any case. Of course Honda has only been selling bikes in the US for a

And they will be called girl bikes by the true HOG members. The release will coincide with the availability of an accessory loudspeaker and amplifier. Not to play music but to play synthesized exhaust noise as loud as possible, to save lives, of course.

Untwist you knickers, It’s a joke. You would have gotten the joke if you weren’t so overly defensive about the subject (probably because I hit a little too close to home).

That’s only 96% of Texas.

Haven’t we had numerous discussion on here about how smart TV software sucks and pushes ads, tracks viewing habits, listens in on your conversations, is vulnerable to hacking, etc?

Why would you want to go anywhere that isn’t Des Moines? I suppose you could want to also visit Omaha, that’s about 2hr away.