
I’m generally with you, but I could see a niche for people that need a scooter but want a manual transmission. Maybe college students and such. I could also see it if I had 4 motorcycles already and room and budget for a 5th... And a go kart track.

What do you call someone who votes for someone based solely on their gender?

He’ll probably be captaining freighters full of rubber dog shit from Hong Kong

Had this been the US, people would be accusing the cops of attempted murder for cutting the bike off.

I think you are glossing over the real issue here. The real issue is that complete morons have access to critical infrastructure.

Pretty sure it’s not 1520 agents all at the same time

Is this the same God saying Fuck California with drought?

Probably because they have remade Spiderman so many times the true fans are completely numb.

Um. Yes, Karate Kid (assuming you mean the 2010 version) was universally hated, even before released, by all of the 20 or so people that were actually paying attention. Nobody paid any attention to the 2014 Robocop and frankly the original was nowhere near as popular as the original GB, like only 1/4 the audience. I

Meh. Ghostbusters 2 wasn’t terrible. Not as good as 1, but not terrible. It is way too late to do a 3. To make another GB now it almost has to be a reboot.

The last paragraph is pretty vague about what google does but thanks for playing.

Still not much different from Google. You can use Yahoo mail, Bing search and maps, any number of other alternatives and Google will still track you from just about every web site you visit.

Then why is everyone getting their knickers in a twist about FB doing what’s already being done?

It’s easier to start with a blank slate, like Mars would be if it doesn’t have life. Not that we’ve established that, yet.

Doesn’t Google (Alphabet whatever) already do this?

Please. It is very likely that very few competent, intelligent women are willing to work on his campaign and therefore the top staffers are male by default.

The projections for JSF are even lower and there is rationale behind them. It actually costs more to fly an F-35 today that it will once they (or if they, I suppose) ever get the automated logistics system worked out. And it isn’t just flight test today, the majority of the aircraft in the hands of the military are

Hypothetical flight hours? That statement can’t be valid without real hardware flying in the air

You’re forgetting survuvability, firepower and cost of operation

Never mind, I googled it for me. It is a light. So you don’t have to worry about the battery lasting too long. I would have rathered they saved the weight.