
I think you just described what most developed nations actually do. It is a system like, or even part of, their social security (or whatever they call it there) program.

Oh, I read it, for what it’s worth, which isn’t anything really. He said he didn’t like anti-car stuff on car enthusiast blogs. You implied he hadn’t considered the alternative, which isn’t at all evident from his post, and then said he had a tiny mind, which is a personal attack. Now, tell me again how your post

I think the absolute part of this is either ignorant or simply for effect. If they were to convert the big cities, followed by the metropolitan areas, and put park and rides on the borders there *might* be a chance. It is still going to mean dramatic changes to make it work. Not just with vehicle ownership. I don’t

HAHAHA. You probably don’t even see the irony in your own post. You are the one spouting profanity and personal attacks, clearly not adult behavior. I don’t see any value in what you posted at all. I guess we don’t have to wonder anymore.

I think you’ll see that I conceded the parking point and the Autonomous efficiency point, but that doesn’t answer the issue of doubling the number of vehicle trips. Especially with Uber which doesn’t help the efficient use the roads at all.

There you are person insults because you are trying to shut down debate. Leads one to wonder if you even have the capacity for civil conversation.

wow. the troll is back, going straight to name calling because you don’t have a legit argument.

Agree that gas tax isn’t the best way to fund roads, but it does encourage better fuel economy and therefore somewhat less pollution and CO2 emission, and does provide some funding for roads.

Agree with most of your thougt, but I don’t see how Uber and autonomous cars free up roads. I agree it frees up parking, but it is still a passenger trip from my house to my workplace. Then, instead of being off the road, that car goes and pics someone else up and takes them to work. Now instead of two trips there

Or maybe it didn’t occur to them that they should have a quota?

I don’t think it is legal, despite the plate, unless there is some sort of exception for buggies. Relevant laws...

Was there some point where someone actually evaluated it and made a “necessary” determination. If so I didn’t see it, can you provide a link? There is a legal definition of “necessary” which means something that is done to meet the end; an end that would not be met without something being done. It does NOT imply that

The kill shot was determined to be justified. It was the second volley when he was already down that was the problem. So deadly force was determine to be an acceptable response.

Your logic is flawed. I’ll ignore the assumption that guys need to sit down every other visit to the restroom, which is not the case, but we’ll use your numbers for simplicity. In your scenario, the lid is moved by the person wanting to stand twice per visit. That is every time. Even subsequent people wanting to stand

A place like this isn’t simply going to be looking at commonly used frequencies to keep out curious civilians. They are going to be listening for anything, and I would bet money that they have a broadband jamming capability so that they can adapt to any frequency chosen.

LOL. there you go again with this assuming I even knew who the guy was before this. You project the love so strongly and yet you spout your hatred so strongly that I have to wonder if there isn’t something inside you that secretly admires him, or really like him in some way you are ashamed to admit.

Lol. I wasn’t defending anyone (I couldn’t name a single song from Macklemore). I was bagging on you for being all self important, trying to tell everyone what music they should like. And just for fun, I did ask a musician, a guy I’ve known since high school, who makes his living in music (producer, studio guitar,

That is quite possibly the most ignorant comment I’ve read in this thread. And that’s saying something. If it were true there wouldn’t be a committee, there would be one person, and it wouldn’t matter which person because they would all come up with the same list. You are just saying “Hey, my view is the only one that

You are completely ignoring the fact that all of this is subjective and nobody should give a crap about what some awards committee thinks and should just buy the music that they like and disregard the rest.

This is a negotiation. They will pay the minimum they have to pay and no more. Each actor is an individual and will not always get the same pay unless they do collective bargaining. If they offered David more it is because they thought he would require more to do the job. Was is based on gender or based on what each