
I have to say, this is pretty incredible from a purely technical standpoint. For all the flack Fortnite gets, EPIC has really managed some amazing things.

Its probably still fewer emissions if I get in my car and drive somewhere to do something, though. 

YYor graphic is bullshit.

You should be less stupid, but some things are not in our control

Reality is so fucking weird right now.

I would not excessively trust AP at this point in time, but it should be kept in mind that Tesla is arguably miles ahead of the rest with the technology. These are teething problems. That said the regulators should be on board and they should not be lax with standards. Were I a Tesla owner I would not put all my faith

Oh look, it’s this article again.

Oh do fuck off with your lying bullshit.

Yeah, clearly there’s some confusion about how many people have to sign off on a missile launch and how long that paperwork takes.

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Perhaps you should test drive one like Top Gear did...

Anyone who has a Tesla and uses Autopilot will recognize everything in that video as legitimate.


Then those people shouldn’t consume it.

Click bait in other words. And I admit to being clickbaited into coming here. : )

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You’ve hit the nail on the head. For a slightly more technical discussion:

I fell asleep reading your comment.

I’m just gonna take a shot in the dark here and guess you are a Bernie Bro based on that first paragraph, looking to sit on Santa’s lap asking for a new Playstation for Christmas but all he is gonna bring you is socks.

Tesla with out Elon is like Apple without Jobs.... They push him out it will look just like apple in the 90s. Cause you can bet the next CEO is not gonna sleep in the factory.

There are fewer better poster children for shitty automation than self-checkout. I have literally never, as in not one single time, successfully completed a checkout at a self-service station in a grocery store without having to call a human employee over. And it’s not because I’m an idiot. Or not entirely, anyway.

Counter-point: Self-checkout (when properly configured and working) is the best.