Carter. His administration didn’t get the results it hoped for, but it was fucking honest and honorable.
Carter. His administration didn’t get the results it hoped for, but it was fucking honest and honorable.
Are you even old enough to know what happened in the 80s when Reagan was President? I lived them, it wasn’t so bad, however it wasn’t great either, but it was better than the Jimmy Carter days. Also as much as I dislike Activision/Blizzard I do not believe they went political about the game, unlike you in this…
While this seems plausible, it also seems highly unlikely. 2 years seems a small window to design and spec and manufacture these consoles with all the custom API’s and tech they like to use.
Sorry but Demon’s Souls on PS5 sort of shatters this whole argument. As someone who’s had a PS4 Pro for a couple years, it’s absolutely mind-blowing. Youtube videos really don’t do any justice to the experience of playing a game with that level of detail and advanced lighting at a silky smooth 60fps. When I first…
I’ve been seeing this a lot since the new consoles are coming out and frankly, I don’t really understand it. You don’t have to upgrade your PC. As long as your PC is at least as good as whatever console is out that generation, you can comfortably play almost any game that comes out and it will look at least as good as…
I feel like people who bought Ones and Series X are people who are “Xbox people” probably stemming from the 360 era when they were soundly beating the PS3 in those early years. You dug into that ecosystem and it’s what you’re familiar with and what you stick with.
Let me sum up this article:
all respect to you, but i would hate that. maybe just fix the shooting mechanics a little, but don’t touch the loot systems or progression at all. to me they were the best in the series, though i acknowledge they aren’t for everyone.
Remaking the first game is what’s turning me off on this, really. I like the first game best of the three.
We’ll see how much they tweak the combat, in terms of how powers work, etc., but as they’re going to be using a new engine for these games (there is essentially no way to update the old engine, and it’ll have to be scrapped for UE4 or whatever), I imagine that the movement and gunplay will essentially be the same for…
Just waiting for the first “Whoa! Re-shaded Blue, Green and Red colors - and in 4K!”-comment. ;)
Always happy to get remastered versions of games I love (though how happy might depend on the price point, as I still own all the originals). Won’t lie, though: I was hoping for more of a ‘remake’, at least as far as the first game is concerned, as I would have loved for BioWare to tweak its actual gameplay to be more…
To be fair, very few people end up in the careers their parents want them in. My dad wanted me to be a dentist to follow in his footsteps. My mom wanted me to be anything but a lawyer so that I wouldn’t follow in hers.
While I never had to “hide” my cosoles per-se, your description of gaming as a decriminalized activity runs pretty true to my own experience. I generally didn’t dare play many videogames when my mom was home lest I be seen being idle. My mother never failed to find something that I hadn’t done, or should be doing…
WTF is an Eneba? Seems keys are not even from them but random merchants - is this safe?
WTF is an Eneba? Seems keys are not even from them but random merchants - is this safe?
Not gonna lie, threatening Sony with releasing a better version of their game if they dont is a power move of I've ever seen one
In your other article, you lamented the lack of options that let you create a character that looks more like you. But in this one, you’re bashing players for doing the same. Seems kinda strange to me.
People use this same argument to justify the use of performing enhancing drugs. It is unethical to promote winning over the health of players. Furthermore, you end up with a pay-to-win competitive scene. Whoever has the most money is going to win.
You should check out the digital foundry video about the Xbox, its very much designed from the ground up around airflow.
They were very weak enemies that didn't drop very good loot