Above us, the moon. Beneath us, the Earth. In front of us, a massive, three-story tower. Overlapping bleeps and…
Above us, the moon. Beneath us, the Earth. In front of us, a massive, three-story tower. Overlapping bleeps and…
They changed the name. The original was "Thai Ladyboy."
I think this is a step in the right direction.
Good for him. Not everyone can manage grinding that dull and repetitive. But to me, it still seems like waste of money considering the subscription fees. I mean surely the person in question could come up with something better to do as this feat basically accomplishes nothing? Unless Activision-Blizzard decides to do…
Isn't it amazing how you can have an entire life that your parent has no conception of? They have an image of you in their heads that may match the broad outlines but they'll never have the shading?
Don't worry, the F-35D will take its spot as America's next generation airlifter...
I don't think it reset anything other than give lazy developers an excuse to rip off Minecraft's distinctive look.
Kickstarter itself isn't a scam. I've backed many successful projects. But it can be used for nefarous purposes, and there is risk associated with backing a project. But to call Kickstarter a scam is just wrong.
Yeah, there's a particular version of the "build harvest conquer" strategy game on mobile that every time I see it I very nearly install it, because it's got this amazing near-future real military aesthetic to it thats just awesome.
"The story of Half-Life 2 is considered by many to be one of the most memorable in gaming history."
Exactly. I'm not willing to pay 100 dollars for a game if the developer think it's worth that much. Heck, I've stopped paying 60 dollars for games around 3 years ago (thanks to Steam sales and my huge backlog).
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
Go fuck yourself.
if somebody likes a game that sucks then that's their business but it doesn't change how much that game sucks.
In the quick video essay above, Mark Brown gives a breakdown of how radically the Far Cry series departed after Far Cry 2, and how the mechanics changed the kind of narrative each game was telling. It's a great way to get your friend who picked up the series at Far Cry 3 to go back and play what many people argue is…
Remember Me is criminally underrated. Yes, the combat is average and repetitive but so are most games in the genre. The selling point with RM though is traveling through Neo-Paris and getting wrapped up in a above average story. Nilin was a good character and traversing the world, as linear as it was, was still a…
Gotta be honest I loved Remember Me It was very different I wish i could have explored more.
This tabletop version looks great and I'm certainly going to help fund the Kickstarter BUT I STILL WANT DESCENT: FREESPACE 3. >:(
Responsiveness to PS4 players*
I've always preferred my Twitch streams to be pretty light on the commentary. My biggest pet peeve is when streamers talk and bullshit in the middle of cutscenes.
It doesn't have a story; it has events. At the end of the game, nothing has changed. The threats are different or redirected after your appearance but you are still just fighting the good fight, the Traveler is still weak, The Darkness is still coming and nobody really knows what it is. The game is still in discovery…