Fallout 1 and Tactics had psionics.
Fallout 1 and Tactics had psionics.
The chances of it being based on Black Isle Fallout is almost 0. Bethesda seems to be only vaguely aware that those games exist.
I’m ALMOST old enough to have been gaming when the term “DOOM clone” was still relevant.
I can also see the following series of events:
Driver is waiting for an opening.
Driver sees an opening that’s big enough
Driver slams on the gas
Truck lurches towards the oncoming traffic
Sensor kicks in and stops the truck in the path of oncoming car
Accident happens where it actually wouldn’t have
If you like something, get it in hard copy.
Maybe, but making a new version of an in production design, or an in service design, would probably result in lower total cost of ownership.
I can’t understand why, with all the money that gets spent on the chAir Force, we can’t get some BC-130s or bomb truck conversions of a 747 or something that can replace the B-52s. If you have air superiority all you are doing is carting the bombs in, and so duct taping 70 year old aircraft back together seems like a…
Because they DON’T have anything to do with race, and any controversy over it is dumb.
1) Agreed.
Or you can just end police unions and get the accountability you want.
Theoretically the Sheriff is more accountable since it’s an elected position.
There’s also a large portion of them that are used as probable cause. Watch Live PD and you’ll see TONS of drug busts initiated through traffic stops.
Unless the police are the POINT of the game simplistic representations will continue to be the norm. There’s not point in putting lots of moral depth into NPCs in a game where their main purpose is to distract criminals until the player can come in and take care of them.
I’m sure that IBM was given a detailed set of plans for the Holocaust before they went into business with Germany.
Houses under construction can have valuable stuff in them. For example copper wire and pipes might be stolen by tweakers. Tools can be stolen, building supplies can be stolen, etc.
But only one side fit to print on Jezebel.
Chasing the lowest common denominator.
I bet. You’re probably WAY below the expected landing weight they are designing for. You ever tempted to do some more energetic maneuvers than usual?
Can you notice the difference in handling? It it fun to fly a much lighter plane?
Oh come on, that one was a LOT more entertaining.