

This really. Admittedly I’ve led a fairly trouble free financial life, but I have a hard time imagining what would make me sell a car I was underwater on. Even if I hated it I can’t really see thinking that’s a good idea.

Except that HS can determine scholarships. Which may be the difference between going to college or not for some people.

This.  Everyone competes together, the girls always lose, everyone’s happy.  Right?

I don’t believe he used the word “developed.” I think he was talking about ALL countries.

Oh Jeez. There’s probably a handful of levels that I’ve ground for achievements or in-game benefits of some sort.

See the other commenter who mentioned players running trains on NPCs.

I often did you interact with him after the start of the game?  Basically once Sanctuary was done you don’t have much reason to talk to him ever again.

Jesus, don’t remind me. I used to work Xbox support and I would see people pouring hundreds of dollars into the card games from EA games. That’s not even counting the people who stole accounts.

But where would I put my $10000 worth of holiday decorations?

Is there anyone who doesn’t believe in washing your car before selling it?


Sony didn’t allow you to change your name for years and years and years. When Xbox Live, they couldn’t reuse gamertags, and kids being kids they would have rapidly used up every remotely pleasant name in no time if left unchecked.

About tree fiddy.

I am REALLY glad that I’m not doing support for Xbox any more if they shortened gamertag limits.

I suspect there’s a lot of Paradox players that buy most/all of the DLC already, and so it makes a lot of sense.  For myself the only game that I really like from them is HoI, the rest are OK, but not my jam.

That’s an interesting narrative.

It IS 2020 now.

Cars, like most consumer goods at this point, are developed to the point where “cool but unnecessary and pointless” is the primary selling point for new features.

“in a move that many STUPID people thought might actually trigger World War III”