/pol/ probably is. The rest of the boards less so.
/pol/ probably is. The rest of the boards less so.
“Striking resemblance”? More like a passing resemblance to me.
The information can be copied over. Either while they are in their death throes or using archives.
The best part is how many videos take like...15-20 seconds to even get to the POINT. They usually start with a logo, maybe an introduction of the person narrating/presenting and then an description of what the video is about. THEN they start telling you what you clicked on it for.
It’s 2017, there is no gray, only black and white. If you aren’t constantly 100% policing your speech you’re literally doubleHitler.
That died with the last decade.
Seems like everybody is overreacting here.
Nazis have been marching openly for years, it’s just that now the media finds it profitable to give them air time.
When the Democrats are in power the Constitution is an impediment to “progress”.
The Constitution is only important when the OTHER guys are in charge.
Huh...looks like it’s time to re-install.
For me it probably is a lot to do with being callous, but there’s been a large number of them shown, so it’s not hard to believe that you’re having trouble keeping them straight.
Actually ran across that in my Public Speaking class where we were talking about the media lying and I couldn’t remember after whose death it was that the media reported that his sister called for an end to violence when she was actually saying that people should be taking violence to the suburbs.
Not “That escalated quickly”?
Openly attacking white people en masse will probably go very, very poorly.
“Enter one notorious prankster, the aforementioned Conan O’Brien, once president of the Harvard Lampoonand now a late-night talk-show host on NBC. Legend has it that O’Brien spent a night in jail following a stunt he pulled as an undergraduate. (On “advice of counsel,” O’Brien declined to comment.) Having procured a…
To be fair to McGregor, he never NEEDED them before.
I mean, that’s literally what Mayweather does in every fight, it’s also what Ali did, he just did it in a more entertaining way.