I expected Mayweather to run away for 9 rounds, then McGregor to flip out and suplex him, getting a DQ.
I expected Mayweather to run away for 9 rounds, then McGregor to flip out and suplex him, getting a DQ.
Stallone has to wear platforms in most of his movies to match up to other people IIRC.
There’s a lot of snowflakes who feel that you should accept any attack that protestors want to level at you for any reason without responding.
Particularly not worth it for a complicated board game that would likely not sell very well even during the current renaissance.
Bernie has a so-so record on guns. Vastly better than most Democrats, but not objectively good. However the main point is that since he wasn’t indoctrinated into the Democratic dogma he would likely have at least LISTENED instead of just ignoring everything and rubber stamping any anti-gun bill that got pushed…
Been saying this for a while. It’s fun to watch people talk about starting a civil war when they’ve voluntarily disarmed themselves. What exactly do you think is going to happen~?
The Swiss?
Probably about the same as it did.
You...you’ve never seen a child have you? One throwing a temper tantrum because they got their feelings hurt? It’s entirely possible to be a delicate snowflake who lashes out blindly at people when things don’t go your way.
It’s worth pointing out that Kinja spreads their bullshit over every site. I got here from Kotaku, which has nothing at all to do with The Root besides being on the same server, and it’s plastered on the page there too.
If you look around the world, there’s a lot of multi-ethnic states, many (most?) of them have problems at least as bad as ours, if not worse.
Hyperbole only serves to drive a wedge between people. Just like calling half the electorate “deplorable” but the Ctrl-Left doesn’t learn from their mistakes, they just get louder.
It never happens. We never talk about anything remotely controversial at family gatherings.
This is a large part of why I’m drifting away from the Left.
People are really the worst thing about everything.
“Gamers” don’t generally fall into the far-left SJW box, therefore they are Nazis. All of them. Even the black, LGBT female ones. All Nazis.
I would think that it’s probably MOST people. Most people aren’t interested in the constant churn of newspeak, they just want to get by without getting yelled at for using the “wrong” word. So when the PC brigade re-defines everything arbitrarily and then assumes that everyone will somehow know what is now PC and…
Because calling someone “Black” has been “racist” for a while now. Everyone has had that beaten into them for a couple decades, now apparently that’s racist and we’re supposed to call them...something? I dunno. This sort of silliness is why I don’t give a shit about SJWspeak.
Except that with our current system a third party is unsustainable. That’s why they don’t exist already despite the desperate need for 4or 5 parties (at minimum) to truly represent the American electorate. We can’t have multiple parties without something like a parliamentary system where you vote for a party and…
Yep. Prior to the Civil War the US was a lot less united than it is now. Loyalty to STATE came first for many people.