Entertainment value and the stories, no other reasons.
Entertainment value and the stories, no other reasons.
I thought they wouldn't let you jury for a family member?
I'm sorry, did you just say that you didn't want to "set off" the guy who has already opened fire on a crowd, because he might start shooting at people? Although, in all honesty, that's probably one of the best things you could get the bad guy to do. Odds are, it's someone who is familiar with the weapon they are…
Gustavo Rock?
So, transparent aluminum body panels... How much would that be worth to you?
No getting around that he was super lucky, but it is 2 lanes each way, with a pretty decent size median. This was about 15 years ago, so no dashcams, but I really wish I had it on tape.
VA, out by Delaplane.
Yep, I was so amazed to not see him and that trailer wrapped over something stationary.
I actually saw something similar to that bmw trailer crash. I was on RT 66, and it had been blowing dust most of the day. Towards evening, it had just begun to rain and the roads were gettng pretty slick. Anyway, this Jeep went past me with a low trailer with a bunch of deck lumber on it and he was probably doing…
He should have had a Red Bull.
all of them. Just fill it up and give me the keys. I had a motorcycle for my only transportation in Kentucky for 3 years.
Tell them to check the sun visors for keys
So I think what everyone here is wondering is do you give discounts to Jalopniks? It is tax season after all...
Please tell me you don't mean that your wife to be is the same choice thousands upon thousands of dentists and accountants make each year!
No you're not.
To be honest, I didn't even realize they had released it in coupe form.
What? You didn't get to see him change into the suit either, so you now going to complain about not getting to check his underwear for skidmarks or his shirts for ring around the collar? So what, there's a cord. Would you be that much happier watching him coil an extension cord? Zippide do dah, he's got a cord. He…
Zat's Vunderful Dah-ling, now say zat vith ze motions of your DANCE!
Drat... I was hoping to see him come up with a metaphor for "live axle." You win this round, Internet.
I dont know about everybody else, but I sure see how easy you make looking dumb ... uh, look. That was the question, right?