also, not really an “exclusive” since the PC port came out like 2 years after the PS release.
also, not really an “exclusive” since the PC port came out like 2 years after the PS release.
also, not really an “exclusive” since the PC port came out like 2 years after the PS release.
I see you haven’t met any politicians.
Oh man I remember that...Randy was all “BUT VALVE COPIED THE INCREDIBLES TO MAKE TEAM FORTRESS 2!”
just responding to the previous guy...the part that bothers me was how Hyperion killed Tina’s parents and turned Krieg into a psycho with their Eridian Slag experiments before the Vault was opened and without having a facility on the planet.
Not anymore. Now the CEO of Atlas Corporation, who was previously unnamed before Rhys took over, is named Mr. Atlas!
it’s an “alternate universe” where Angel is Atlas’s daughter, Atlas never ditched Pandora so Hyperion never came in, Brick and Mordecai were never born, and Tina and Krieg still ended up becoming themselves despite Hyperion not even being in the same star system.
I mean...didn’t their bossman flat out say that he planned to throw everything away and focus on “exploiting Lord of the Rings”?
I mean...she can turn into a spaceship...
That’s why Rage 2 mixed it up and made everything pink. Pink ledges, pink explosive barrels, pink roadsigns, pink quest markers, pink smoke, pink enemies.
that reminds me...the whole Laguna’s past thing was supposed to be Ellone sending Squall back in time to try and make the present less crapsack but failing to do so...and they give some sappy line about how “you can’t change the past, so make the most of the present.” ... ... ...EXCEPT! Ultimecia literally went back…
It looks so slow...I mean...I know soap bubbles don’t exacly zip around...but the projectiles look like they just hover for a couple seconds before doing anything...maybe if they were smaller...because they are HUGE.
I was trying to say “parallel timeline instead of going back in time and changing things”
There was a hint that Zack is in a parallel timeline due to the Shinra dog mascot in his scene being a different breed.
Nomura said EVERYTHING that the FF7 characters appear in is canon... ... ...and that’s the scary part, because that means Ehrgheiz, Itadaki Street, and Smash Bros. are part of his “Deep Lore”, not to mention Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia...
Ken: “ it’s space.”
Man...for a second I thought you were talking about Last Story...I mean, I love Lost Odyssey in its !WALL OF TEXT! glory...but my Wii is long-ago-busted.
they read the article on Kotaku about being tired of punching rocks and it broke their hearts so they gave up.
Sibelyx also has lv2 medicine production and Caprity has lv2 farming...Both jobs are done in bursts where the downtime could be spent pooping out fancy cloth and berries.