
What about Prometheus? He turned that into an incomprehensible mess. Granted the original draft of the script wasn’t perfect but he made it worse by removing plot points or character motivations for no reason other then because he thinks that the questions are more important then answering them.

Criticizing awards shows is like shooting fish in a barrel.

What are the odds that they were drunk as shit when they did it?

The whole thing was a rumor made up by Gawker, a trashy tabloid sued into extinction because of the garbage posted on it, and was treated as gospel by bloggers.

Wasn’t this established... years ago? Like, almost immediately after the story became a thing? To the point where every time it comes up here or Jezebel it seemed like the authors were purposely ignoring Kirkman’s clarification just to bait a reaction?

It’s certainly not light treason.

No matter how dark things look in America these days, articles like this remind us all that it’s not over yet.

Except she’s not selling them upriver, Trump is literally taking them up on everything they want.

Supporting illegal immigrants is a no win political position. Supporting the kids of illegal immigrants by providing a secure path to a Green Card is humane. Either way they get you zero votes

We need to continue to scare the shit out of our elected officials.

So... what is she supposed to do? She and Schumer went in and tried to get 45 to agree to passing DACA into law. What else is she supposed to be doing right now?

No, the Democrats should absolutely not be taking that stance, because it is stupid and they will never get elected that way. Undocumented immigrants can’t vote.

Alright, I’m all for keeping pressure up. That said...

I am super sympathetic to Dreamers, and DACA needs to be law like, yesterday, but what exactly is the Minority leader supposed to do about this? Pass it in a House where they are out of power, send it to a Senate where they are also out of power, and then have the President who is trying to take away current

Way to punch your own side in the face. Great job guys.

Keep up the in-fighting and annoying “protesting” by blocking streets guys! Almost guaranteed Trump will win another 4 years.

How much of a sad, thin-skinned narcissist is the President of the United States that he cares what an ESPN anchor says? POTUS feuding with an ESPN anchor really seems like punching down. It’s amazing how much he’s lowered the office.

Also, Jemele’s right.

There has been a concerted effort on The Root lately to link Taylor Swift to neo-Nazis and KKKers. It’s pretty sad to watch from supposed journalists who should know better.

Actually Trump was pulling for the Nazis to win each week on Hogan’s Heroes.

I just assumed it was a metaphor for the election where both alternatives are hot garbage, but one was a larger dumpster fire. Or alternatively, black and white people have differing, but terrible taste in music.