The swatting would never have happened in this case, if he didn't feel entitled to the girl's attention.
The swatting would never have happened in this case, if he didn't feel entitled to the girl's attention.
Of course, you're free to do as you like. But he is an idiot, and that should be damning enough.
What's with the fat shaming, dude?
Well, although that's the punch of the story, the issue that triggered it is some type of entitlement that he felt towards a girl. That, right there, is the real problem in this case.
oh god the memories of this movie are flooding back!
As a police guy in charge, I'd have a SWAT team departed to his home, to show him first hand that sending armed policemen to innocents homes under the presumption of a murder happening is a very bad idea to do, with possible horrible outcomes, just to scare him off of doing such crap again.
Hope this sends a message and deters future swatters even if its just one person.
Kid gets what he deserves for being a shithead.
My feelings.
If you backed it, angry. They still sold the Kickstarter on having the offline mode in the game, and then yanked it at the last minute. It's bullshit, and they absolutely deserve all the bad press and criticism they're getting for it.
I set this game down over 2 weeks ago, and refuse to go back to it until it is completely fixed. I've got plenty of other games to play. My biggest problem is that I paid $60 for a broken game and haven't received any sort of compensation. I would suggest that 343 hand out season passes for future DLC free of charge…
The most disappointing part is how this will affect the long term multiplayer population of this game.
Yeah, i stopped pre-ordering games about 3 or 4 years ago, i think? Mostly because i got sick of the whole "pre-order at Store A to get exclusive costume A" bullshit, but slowly but surely it has turned into my best gaming related decision ever.
I've been reasonably successful when it comes to getting into games of late, but I'm with you. One of the main reasons why I was excited about the MCC was that it meant there'd be a large, stable population playing Halo MP again.
How is it that the company which defined multiplayer is suddenly unable to do it?
This generation thus far keeps rewarding me from staying the hell away from games at launch until months and months later when they manage to fix the games (usually along with a price drop).
It really hurts me to think about the lost population here. A lot of people are bailing.
lol what? The immense sales from the original, the PC version, and the PS3/Vita version aren't enough to confirm people want a remake?
They needed to...confirm it? If they didn't know by now how out of their MINDS people are for a FF7 remake, they are all horrible at their jobs.