
According to a number of eyewitnesses he did. Only one person who was there said he didn't, and that was the guy who murdered him.

Apparently she was drunk earlier in the day, took a nap to sleep it off, and woke up to find her boyfriend munching on the spread while she was asleep. And that's when she flew into a rage.

Ugh. I saw this story on Gawker earlier, but the tone of that article was awful. All "haha" she's nuts instead of domestic violence is never funny. Thanks for not doubling done Isha!

I love how domestic violence all of a sudden becomes an acceptable punchline as soon as it is a woman hospitalizing a man.

There's only one piece of music to go with this image:

The shorthand for me is that pretty much every image I see of any Ubisoft game ever is a bullshot. Others i just adopt the idea that if it looks too vibrant and devoid of aliasing it's been touched up. Just like Kim K's internet breaking buttocks.

With that I wish Nintendo was more like Sony. Release the game on Wii U and 3DS and allow cross save support. Even with VC its something I complain about along with cross buy when ever I speak with Nintendo or when I go through their survey channels. I honestly would like a remaster of these games in particular along

I dunno it would be mice to have SM64 too, they could bundle it. I would like to have a 16:9 formatted Mario 64 with a little bit of cleanup by means of OoT3D. It could totally work. I'm not even a huge Nintendo fan, but it would convince me to use my Wii U .

apparently you never heard of Shadow of Mordor, DAI or Far Cry 4. Hows those pc ports of just about every console game treating you? Lol

also we're not pretentious assholes. That's another difference

Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim in one collection.

Red Dead Redemption. Dammit I love that game. One of the only games that has ever elicited an emotional reaction from me.

Not PS4 or Xbox...but Super Mario Sunshine HD for Wii U would be absolutely amazing.

Yeah! That's part of what I like about it. I try to outsmart it, which means changing up how I do things, which also ends up meaning I become a better player that doesn't rely on the same tricks over and over again.

I'm really curious why people love playing Smash with the GCN controller so much. I mean, don't get me wrong, the GCN controller is fantastic. Super solid and Waverbirds were the shit.

I'm actually a little bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the matches themselves are the best ever. Gameplay wise, smash wise, this is perhaps my favourite smash so far.

I think that's more *your* problem with Nintendo than *the* problem with Nintendo. There are lots of really great games on Wii U right now (in addition to Mario & Zelda), regardless of whether they interest you personally

Man you are really don't get it. Mario and Link and the gang are actors taking up roles in brand new games. It is NOT the 100th iteration of the same game but rather a brand new game with a familiar coat of paint so it isn't as intimidating.

Are you from the future? There haven't even been 20 Mario's or Zeldas here in 2014.