
If the YouTuber’s video is covered under fair use, then they do have a legal right to use someone else’s content to make money. The problem is that YouTube has had a series of bad systems to deal with this, which have generally favored any company over the YouTuber’s, despite the facts.

I will say, she did seem outraged that she had a primary challenger at all. I don’t like to accuse people of being entitled, because I think it is overused, but her statements on Bernie reek of a false sense of entitlement. The nomination was hers, in her eyes, and the fact that Bernie put up a fight pissed her off.

At this point, though, I’m becoming one of those people who hates her, and I voted for her. She needs to shut her mouth for a year or two. Don’t burn the party down to try to save your legacy.

I would still say it’s only partly her fault because she had to deal with Russian hacking of the DNC and releasing that embarrassing stuff over several months. That hurt her. Despite that, she was still way ahead until Comey sent that letter to Congress right before the election, and then they promptly made it public.

She is a bizarre one, because in some areas she was amazingly qualified. However, in others, she was terrible. She was competent and almost every actual issue, because of her experience, critical thinking skills, and the ability to put together a smart team and listen to their advice.

She seems to be damaging the Democrats to try to shift blame. She is trying to restart the fight between her supporters and Bernie’s supporters. The Democrats do not need that. Now there’s all this coverage of her attacking Comey, and I think that’s fair, but it is stupid. Right now we need Comey, as he is the star

There’s a larger political trend going on here. Somehow, rape has become politicized. If you believe it’s a real and serious problem, you are probably a liberal. If you think that it is usually just women making shit up, you are probably a conservative. I don’t know how we got here, but it’s where we are.

Generally, remasters are pretty easy money. It’s different if you have to do a full remake, not even using the same assets, but if you can reuse most of what you had before, they are much cheaper than making a new game, and can easily sell more copies than the original.

They may have lied to profit off someone’s death. Jim has reported on this honestly and fairly. If they decide to pull the plug because they got bad press for this, that’s their decision.

As I understand it, you can actually still do it in those states, you just have to fill out some extra paperwork. A giant company like WB has enough lawyers to do that.

I know they believe that. It’s just that that idea doesn’t hold water. In the Cornerstone Speech, the VP of the Confederacy laid out the entire basis of the Confederacy, and he said that it was racism. The Confederates knew they were racist, they were just okay with it at the time. Then they started flying the flag at

Tell me again, if the Confederate flag isn’t a racist symbol, why is it so often flown by racists? Do the white hoods and burning cross also represent states’ rights?

Agreed. This is criminal. There’s no other way to look at it. Sometimes a fine is enough, but this involved many people actively participating in fraud. They should be in prison.

I think it has fairly weak support. When you hear someone acted violently against Nazis, that just viscerally feels good. But when you stop and think for a moment, it’s not actually a good idea. I think a lot of the people on the left who have some vague support of Antifa could be talked out of with a few sentences.

It isn’t. I didn’t say that it was. A lot of threats are made by people who are never going to actually follow through. It’s still illegal.

Looking at the judge’s name, I’m guessing that Trump will say this is wrong because he is a Mexican (born in Texas) and can’t decide a case like this.

Actually, what she thought would happen is exactly what did happen. She is a troll. She wanted to piss people off. She only apologized in the first place because she pissed them off more than she thought she would. That’s why I have no sympathy for her. She was flinging shit to piss people off and it worked.

I disagree. This was a borderline threat. It was way over the line. I think a lot of people were legitimately offended. I hate Trump, and I thought she was terrible for that photo. For me, this is exactly the same as what Ted Nugent did. Just because I like President Obama and hate President Trump it doesn’t make this

No one thinks this will pass, or even get a vote. It’s still great news. Every single member of the House or Senate that openly supports single-payer brings it closer to happening.

I have a brother in law who is Italian American. I’ve been told I’m not allowed to ever bring up how terrible Columbus was to him. He believes it is just anti-Italian bigotry. Apparently the fact that Columbus was a cruel man who slaughtered people is made up...