
Pence’s two biggest assets are that he speaks calmly and that he is always near the raving madman who is his boss. You can get away with a lot of bigotry in this country if you just speak very calmly and never openly attack people with your words. Do it with your actions, and then calmly explain how it’s not actually

What a tool. It wasn’t just that Trump refused to condemn them. It was that he set up his comments in a way that it was clear he thought that racists and people who don’t like racists were equally wrong.

I think the honest answer for why this happens is that the only time they think about it is when they are called on it. Someone says something, they try to say the right things, and they don’t even attempt to change anything.

While this is clearly disturbing, I will say this: I could use a document about how great I am every day. Seems like a nice little pick-me-up. Clearly I need to gain enough money or power to be able to get someone to write this for me.

There’s a huge difference between winning the primary for a party and winning the general. He won a lot of primaries in states he would never carry in the general election. I doubt he’d take Idaho or Oklahoma in the general, and I wouldn’t put a Bernie-esque candidate up for Senate there.

That’s a fair point, but here’s a counterpoint: If the Republicans impeach Trump, then they are the party that got rid of him, as well as the party that was responsible for him. It takes away part of the legacy. If they get voted out in the House, and the Democrats lead the charge to impeach him, even with a

That’s a fair point, but here’s a counterpoint: If the Republicans impeach Trump, then they are the party that got rid of him, as well as the party that was responsible for him. It takes away part of the legacy. If they get voted out in the House, and the Democrats lead the charge to impeach him, even with a

Nope. Bill Clinton was sued by Paula Jones. That’s a civil case. That’s different from being indicted. The legal scholars agree on this. A sitting president cannot be indicted. He has to be impeached, and then you can charge him with the crimes.

Well, this is a small but important thing, but the official summary of the plot talks about how this is a story of the French, British, Dutch, and Belgian forces being evacuated. Yet, they left out important aspects of what the French actually did.

Yeah, though I don’t think it is likely, it is worth considering. Plus, you’ve given me nightmares, so that’s something.

That’s is an alarming possibility, but I hope it’s not a realistic one. I don’t think the Republicans would impeach unless they really meant to go through with it. For one thing, if one single Republican in Congress or the White House admitted it was a sham and that became public, they’d be in serious trouble. For

Well, there are actually a few problems. For one thing, people are mad that they don’t include the vital part the French played in the whole thing. That’s not a racial issue, but it is an issue of accuracy.

Yes. And I think there is a decent chance it would be successful, which might be a first in American history. His popularity is so low, and though it occasionally goes up, it’s never far, and it goes back down again. I think they would be terrified of having him on the ticket with them.

That’s a sad possibility, but I’ll say this: In my entire lifetime, there has never been a serious chance that a president would be removed from office. There is a pretty large one now. And Trump keeps committing crimes to try to cover up his other crimes. I don’t think that will stop.

When you think about it, this is moving shockingly fast. It took like a year and a half to get rid of Nixon. This is going faster than that.

You’re absolutely right, except for one thing. With the polling as it is now, some safe Republican seats look like they could go up for grabs, and risky Democratic seats look safe. There’s no guarantee that it will stay that way, but if it does, The Democrats could easily hold/take every single competitive seat, and

I’m not Giving McConnell or Ryan any credit for being moral. I don’t think they’ll kick Trump out because it’s the right thing to do, though it obviously is. But at some point they are going to need to look at what is going to hurt them worse: keeping him or impeaching him. If it gets to the point that they look like

I’ve heard from multiple pundits that 80% popularity with the Republican base is the magic number. Trump is above it now, but if he falls below it, they’ll act. I hope that’s true.

He actually can’t be indicted. The Constitution isn’t exactly clear on this, but the legal scholars agree that if you want to indict a president, you have to impeach him and then indict him when he’s out of office. So, they won’t be able to pass the buck.

Like I say, it could go either way. But he is slowly slipping in the polls. A bunch of conservative Republicans from very red districts/states will probably stick with him, but there are a ton who won’t. It’s hard to guess when leadership will decide dumping Trump is better for the party than sticking with him. I hope