I’ll give him a tiny bit of credit, in that they say he is always for bills making it to the floor for a vote.
I’ll give him a tiny bit of credit, in that they say he is always for bills making it to the floor for a vote.
Because it seems like there is no money that wants the bill. The doctors and nurses are against it, and there’s no surprise there, but the groups with money are largely against it, too. Most of the insurance companies, drug makers, and hospitals are against it. Plus the American people are against it. As far as I can…
Yeah, I remember Rachel Maddow making a point about them not having empathy towards gay people unless they had a gay child. She commented “if only we could get every Republican in Congress to have a poor child.”
There was some Republican former congressman who pointed out why they needed pre-existing conditions covered. He pointed out that when he was voted out of office, he had to get new insurance, and had a pre-existing condition. So, that’s something in their self interest to cover.
One current theory today is that the Senators need to say it actually went to a vote. I don’t understand why that would make it better for them politically, but I’m hoping that’s true. I just want this bill to die. They need to give up on it. Having a version of Obamacare that is being purposely mismanaged by the…
That’s why I hedged by saying “largely.” I know that some people don’t, but most of the people here do.
People who use a badge to steal your property, apparently. At least that’s from what I can tell from his last controversy in the news.
I do not understand the politics of this. I don’t understand any of the politics of what he is doing. Cracking down on recreational pot doesn’t have strong support. This bullshit with asset forfeiture is being attacked on the left and the right. What is wrong with this guy? What is he thinking?
They are stuck politically. They can’t keep the name. Whatever they do, they need to be able to all agree that it was a repeal, even if they leave parts of it behind.
Thank God they are putting out a message. The best possible way to get people to vote for Democrats is being against Trump and being for something. Being against Trump alone works fine, since he is unpopular, but they need more. Every time the Republicans put out some garbage plan, they need to do more than just trash…
I agree. People act like it is offensive to say that, but it looks like it is true, and that’s something we need to deal with. The man regularly has no idea what he’s talking about. I mean, he does actually lie a lot, but a lot of the ones where he is accused of lying aren’t actually lies. He just says something…
I don’t even know what to do with “In the interest of full transparency, I’m informing you that I’m hiding things.” I mean, I kind of want to give him some credit for informing us... Maybe a little credit... I don’t know.
God, that was hard to read. I couldn’t even get through all of it, was so heartbreaking. This is another reason the name “pro-life” shouldn’t apply to these people. You are not in favor of life if you are risking a child’s life by forcing her to carry her rapist’s child.
Serious question here: Isn’t it kind of dangerous for a 12 year old to have a child? I honestly don’t know, but it seems like it would be. Aside from all of the other moral concerns here, it seems like they would be putting this child at risk by forcing her to keep the child.
Well, first of all, if this show is sympathetic to the Confederacy or in any way paints it in a good light, that will be a different thing. But that does not seem to be the case. Right now some people are assuming that, which seems bizarre to me. We’ve got one paragraph of description right now, and it does not sound…
This has been a very civil debate. I have found you very respectful, and I hope you can say the same about me. But I do have to criticize you a little here. I was only comparing this to 12 Years a Slave in that that was a major piece of media that was critical to the Confederacy, and this is purportedly will be, too.…
It is very possible this will make things worse. However, isn’t that the risk of anything that would point out the Confederacy was bad? One of the things I heard so many people comment about with 12 Years a Slave was that the depiction of slavery was amazingly realistic, and viscerally disturbing. That certainly…
You make good points. However, I think what you’re saying actually makes this show more gutsy and needed. For the most part, we all accept Nazis are bad. There’s no lobby talking about how offensive it is to make them look bad in The Man in the High Castle.
This is exactly why I don’t think it will be bad. If they are going to do a show where slavery still exists in a modern Confederacy, they will have to show slavery as the horrific institution it was. It would be really hard to show that and make the argument it’s all about state’s rights.
As long as they show it in a dystopian light, I don’t see what’s wrong with the concept. It seems like it’s no different from The Man in the High Castle. As you mention, there are two black executive producers.