
I’m not saying that every time we want a new minority character we should do it that way, but this already an accepted practice. They’ve been doing this for a half century. When you want to reboot a classic superhero, you give a new character the title. I’m all for brand new miority characters, but this is a practice

It was such an odd comment on his part. I don’t even understand that in this case. I don’t get where having an open conversation fits in. The dude harassed people because he hated them. Now he expects them to sit down with him and what? Explain to him why they aren’t actually terrible? This guy is the worst.

Yeah, it seems like he was coached. It sounds like he is going down a checklist after being coached. The wording is even awkward, and clearly not just him naturally speaking.

I don’t know. The history of switching out the person who is the super hero goes back a very long time. At least as far as when DC started the Silver Age by replacing the old Flash (Jay Garrick) with Barry Allen. They did that with a few characters. That’s a half century ago. It’s an accepted practice. I don’t know

The story the Trump side is telling right now is “Yes, the Russians contacted Don Jr. and asked him to commit a serious federal crime, and yes he eagerly agreed to do it, and yes, he brought two senior campaign staffers so that we’d all be implicated, but the Russians didn’t play ball, so we didn’t do anything wrong.

I guess I don’t understand your point with the empty podium. They were waiting for him because he brings the ratings. Is it that you think they were actively working for him? There is some sort of massive conspiracy? I say again, the only reason they covered the hell out of him was the ratings. It’s why they still

But this one isn’t for a black actor playing a previously white character. I don’t think people are looking for a black Peter Parker. They want a Miles Morales Spidey on screen.

Tobey was like 26 when they were filming the first one, which is not that uncommon for someone playing a high school student. Honestly, Donald Glover could have done it a few years ago. He was playing about the right age at the beginning of Community. And it would have been great. He’s just awesome on screen. But it’s

Giving him free coverage wasn’t them being compliant. He was a good show, and they wanted ratings, so they covered him a lot. He found a way to get them to do what they want by making sure it was in their best interest to do so. They weren’t obeying him.

First of all, they haven’t gotten away with anything so far. This is something I feel like I have to keep explaining to my fellow liberals. This is moving much faster than Watergate. He’s being investigated by at least 5 committees in the House and Senate, as well as by a special counsel appointed by his own assistant

The problem with that is that colluding with the Russians would be a scandal whether it’s illegal or not. In this case, the Russians committed federal crimes to help the Trump campaign. You add that to all of the meetings they had with Russians and hid, it looks really bad. Now we have proof they were talking directly

Yeah, but I don’t see how they get away with it now. Who would believe this now? I mean, even the base, who won’t abandon him over this, will have their doubts.

The thing that bothers me most about this is that people accept that that was just a joke. He wasn’t joking! His tone was clear. It wasn’t a joke. He asked a foreign government to commit a federal crime in order to win him an election and they did. But he waited a few hours and then claimed it was a joke and the world

Just remember, he’s not actually getting away with it. If he hadn’t pulled all this shit, the world would be a very different place right now. He would have gotten a significant bump in popularity after his election and at least be in the mid 50s, and in the 90s with the GOP base. If that were the case, he’d have

So, how do they deny collusion now? I mean, we don’t have a smoking gun that they colluded in the actual crimes Russia committed yet, but this is a clear sign that they knew the Russian government wanted to help them and they were willing to accept that help. On top of that we know the Russian government did violate

I get that they’ve been running against it for years, but that doesn’t mean that their bill is politically good for them. There is a huge difference between just saying something is bad and coming up with something to replace it. They can’t pass something terrible, say it was keeping their promise, and then not pay

The problem with your argument is the second half of your argument destroys the first half. I don’t know why the burglary is an important issue at all. He was responding to an alarm going off, which is a pretty routine call that doesn’t even warrant pulling your gun. It certainly doesn’t call for murdering animals.

I wouldn’t have phrased it quite so... colorfully, but I agree. I think he had a lot of big plans, many of which involved getting rid of Russian sanctions so he and his pals could make tons of money, but it was all screwed when Putin got caught.

The one thing I would disagree with about this article is I don’t buy that he never wanted the job. I know that was a big thing when it came out, but it was just a folksy political thing to say. He claims not to have wanted it, but his wife told him “God’s not through with you yet.” It’s a BS story to make it seem

What the hell is wrong with this guy!? I have a fear of dogs that borders on a phobia. It comes from being attacked once as a child. Since it was at night, I get especially anxious about being near a dog at night.