
No, it’s real.

Six more things IT would like you to know:

I fcking love Diplo and I think he improved this song 190920358349058%. Come at me bruh

I will happily dress as David O Russel and punch you if you go.


Lover that movie. The two female reporters sub-plot.

If only Stone Mountain was at all like the Kenneth version and not just a super boring suburb of Atlanta...

I love how her sad excuse for an apology completely misses the point. You called out all the black people as rude and awful for leaving by mistake, despite the fact that white people are leaving too and many black people were still seated. This is the racist part, lady.

Maybe she was saying “boo-lack”?

Secondly, if your response is “Well, it’s not like I called them the N word” it is absolutely 100% a word that’s in your regular vocabulary.

“I didn’t know ‘black people’ was a racist term. I didn’t say the N-word or anything like that ‘cause that’s not in my vocabulary...All I saw were black people getting up and leaving,” Gordeuk continued. “And I said, ‘Oh, look who’s leaving, all the black people.’ So I made a statement.

...You’re fucking kidding me.

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better statement than allen made in his post.

thank you <3 This is a really bummer time. It’s good to know I’m not alone. If I have to hear ONE more “..But she’s your mother!” I’m going to throw things.

My mother is an alcoholic, compulsive-spender-hoarder narcissist. I finally went no contact with her last year and this will be my first mother’s day not acknowledging her. It’s tough because there is always an innate desire to please, to be a good person to your mother. But when it just gets thrown in your face and


My mom tried to run me over with her car at Christmas and I have only spoken to her once since then. And somehow I feel like the piece of shit in this whole situation.

Calvin Coolidge was an asshole.

Katniss is white. White people feel empathy for her.

Because racism.